912 Adjectives That Start with C | Best List with Definitions and Examples


In this article, we are going to talk about adjectives that start with C. Before we go into the details of adjectives beginning with C, let’s talk about the letter C. There must be plenty of people who, after learning to read, were left wondering why the English alphabet contains the letter C.

Sometimes it functions as a K, sometimes as an S, but what’s the point if those two letters also exist? Why have a letter with no independent sound of its own? The problem lies with the Roman alphabet, of course. The letter C was heavily used in Old English whereas letter K was rarely used.

During the revival of Roman and Greek culture by English scholars, many words of Latin and Greek origin were imported into English. In the words that came from Latin, the “K” sound was represented by the letter C. In the words that came from Greek, the “K” sound was represented by the letter K. And so it has remained ever since. We still use C and K to represent the same sound.

The adjectives that start with C contained in this article are also as much interesting as the letter C itself. The main function of most of the descriptive words that start with C is to modify a noun or a pronoun so that your writings may become more specific and interesting.

Let us now go through the list of adjectives that start with C given below.

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Adjectives That Start with C You Always Use

Following are some of the adjectives starting with C that we commonly use in our daily life routine. Try and get hold of as many of these adjectives as possible.

1. Clean

  • Definition: free from dirt, marks, or stains
  • Synonyms: washed, scrubbed
  • Example: My room is spotlessly clean.

2. Clever

  • Definition: quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas
  • Synonyms: Intelligent, bright, smart
  • Example: Camilla is an extremely clever young woman.

3. Clear

  • Definition: easy to perceive, understand, or interpret
  • Synonyms: understandable, comprehensible
  • Example: Kindly give him clear and precise directions.

4. Complete

  • Definition: having all the necessary or appropriate parts
  • Synonyms: absolute, entire, full
  • Example: A complete list of courses is being offered by the university.

5. Casual

  • Definition: relaxed and unconcerned
  • Synonyms: relaxed, friendly, natural
  • Example: Andy has a casual attitude to life.

6. Complex

  • Definition: consisting of many different and connected parts
  • Synonyms: compound, composite, compounded
  • Example: The Company has a complex organizational structure.

7. Creative

  • Definition: relating to or involving the use of the imagination
  • Synonyms: imaginative, ingenious, innovational
  • Example: Change unleashes people’s creative energy.

8. Calm

  • Definition: not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions
  • Synonyms: quiet, serene, peaceful
  • Example: Brenda had to keep calm at all costs.

9. Caring

  • Definition: displaying kindness and concern for others
  • Synonyms: kindhearted, warmhearted
  • Example: Tom’s a caring and invaluable friend.

10. Certain

  • Definition: having no doubt; able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case
  • Synonyms: unquestionable, sure, definite
  • Example: It’s certain that more changes are in the offing.  

Adjectives That Start with C You Usually Use

Below is a list of adjectives that start with the letter C that we usually use to describe the world around one. You can also add new nouns to this list that are in your knowledge.

1. Challenging

  • Definition: testing one’s abilities
  • Synonyms: demanding, testing
  • Example: This has been a challenging time for us all.

2. Classic

  • Definition: very typical of its kind
  • Synonyms: typical, model
  • Example: Hamlet is the classic example of a tragedy.

3. Childlike

  • Definition: resembling or suggesting a child
  • Synonyms: unworldly, credulous, immature
  • Example: Their daughter had a childlike innocence.

4. Comprehensive

  • Definition: covering everything or all important points
  • Synonyms: broad, complete, far-reaching
  • Example: She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.

5. Curious

  • Definition: eager to know or learn something
  • Synonyms: strange, odd, peculiar
  • Example: I began to be curious about the whereabouts of the bride and groom.

6. Capable

  • Definition: having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do anything
  • Synonyms: efficient, effective
  • Example: I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.

7. Carefree

  • Definition: free from anxiety or responsibility
  • Synonyms: unworried, untroubled, blithe
  • Example: Emma is young and carefree.

8. Central

  • Definition: at the point or in the area that is in the middle of something
  • Synonyms: middle, center, halfway
  • Example: This station has a central courtyard.

9. Cheery

  • Definition: happy and optimistic
  • Synonyms: bright, cheerful, glad
  • Example: Adam had a cheery smile.

10. Chatty

  • Definition: readily engaging in informal talk
  • Synonyms: talkative, communicative
  • Example: Our driver is very chatty.

Adjectives That Start with C You Often Use

Get yourself acquainted with adjectives with letter C given below and try to use them to make your writings and talks distinctive. This category also contains adjectives that start with C for a person.

1. Crisp

  • Definition: (of a substance) firm, dry, and brittle
  • Synonyms: crunchy, crispy, brittle
  • Example: Bake until the pastry is crisp and golden.

2. Coarse

  • Definition: rough or harsh in texture
  • Synonyms: rough, bristly, scratchy
  • Example: Eva was wearing a coarse dress.

3. Contrary

  • Definition: opposite in nature, direction, or meaning
  • Synonyms: opposite, opposing, contradictory
  • Example: He ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal.

4. Cheeky

  • Definition: showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that is appealing
  • Synonyms: insolent, forward
  • Example: Fans were quick to notice the cheeky album art of Adele.

5. Customary

  • Definition: commonly practiced, used, or observed
  • Synonyms: usual, traditional, normal
  • Example: It is customary to mark an occasion like this with a toast.

6. Careful

  • Definition: making sure of avoiding potential danger
  • Synonyms: cautious, heedful, alert
  • Example: I begged him to be more careful.

7. Categorical

  • Definition: dealing with, or involving a category
  • Synonyms: unequivocal, absolute, explicit
  • Example: The judgement was harsh and categorical.

8. Characteristic

  • Definition: a distinguishing trait, quality, or property
  • Synonyms: attribute, feature, quality
  • Example: Bananas have their own characteristic smell.

9. Chirpy

  • Definition: cheerful and lively
  • Synonyms: carefree, careless, cavalier
  • Example: Jimmy’s bride looked positively chirpy.

10. Chosen

  • Definition: having been selected as the best or most appropriate
  • Synonyms: named, picked, selected
  • Example: He is by no means a forerunner in his chosen field.

Adjectives That Start with C You Sometimes Use

Adjectives are frequently referred to as describing words. The following are some describing words beginning with C that we only use sometimes in our daily lives.

1. Captivating

  • Definition: capable of attracting and holding interest
  • Synonyms: alluring, appealing, attractive
  • Example: Addison has a captivating smile.

2. Clueless

  • Definition: having no knowledge, understanding, or ability
  • Synonyms: oblivious, unaware, unmindful
  • Example: You’re clueless about how to deal with the world.

3. Catastrophic

  • Definition: involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering
  • Synonyms: fateful, ruinous, unfortunate
  • Example: The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.

4. Canny

  • Definition: having or showing a practical cleverness
  • Synonyms: shrewd, astute, sharp
  • Example: Selena is a canny lass.

5. Catchy

  • Definition: (of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable
  • Synonyms: appealing, captivating, snappy
  • Example: We played catchy pop melodies.

6. Ceaseless

  • Definition: constant and unending
  • Synonyms: constant, continuous, incessant
  • Example: The fort was subjected to ceaseless bombardment.

7. Ceremonial

  • Definition: (of a post or role) conferring or involving only nominal authority or power
  • Synonyms: conventional, ceremonious
  • Example: The post of mayor is largely ceremonial.

8. Changeable

  • Definition: liable to unpredictable variation
  • Synonyms: variable, inconstant, varying
  • Example: The weather will be changeable with rain at times.

9. Coherent

  • Definition: logically or aesthetically ordered
  • Synonyms: good, logical, rational
  • Example: The victim of the attack was too distraught to make a coherent statement.

10. Changeless

  • Definition: not undergoing a change in condition
  • Synonyms: stable, stationary, steady
  • Example: She knew, she would have to reevaluate her changeless life.

Adjectives That Start with C You Occasionally Use

Let’s now put before you a list of adjective words that start with C that is occasionally made use of in our speech and writing. Try and memorize as many of these as you can.

1. Calamitous

  • Definition: catastrophic or disastrous
  • Synonyms: catastrophic, cataclysmic, devastating
  • Example: The environment in many developing countries is calamitous.

2. Capricious

  • Definition: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
  • Synonyms: fickle, inconstant, changeable
  • Example: He was a cruel and capricious tyrant.

3. Capacious

  • Definition: having a lot of space inside
  • Synonyms: roomy, commodious, spacious
  • Example: The van was capacious and he decided to fill up the space with a couple of sacks of fuel.

4. Calculating

  • Definition: acting in a scheming and ruthlessly determined way
  • Synonyms: cunning, crafty, wily
  • Example: He was a coolly calculating, ruthless man.

5. Certifiable

  • Definition: able or needing to be officially recorded
  • Synonyms: authentic, bona fide, certified
  • Example: The guy’s a certifiable megastar.

6. Cryptic

  • Definition: having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure
  • Synonyms: enigmatic, mysterious
  • Example: He found his boss’s utterances too cryptic.

7. Cleansing

  • Definition: intended to clean something thoroughly
  • Synonyms: purifying, cleaning
  • Example: I use my cleansing cream every night.

8. Celestial

  • Definition: positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy
  • Synonyms: heavenly, astronomical
  • Example: The moon is a celestial body.

9. Coequal

  • Definition: having the same rank or importance
  • Synonyms: identical, indistinguishable, same
  • Example: The constitution clearly describes three coequal branches of government.

10. Colossal

  • Definition: extremely large or great
  • Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous
  • Example: I have received colossal amount of mails.

Adjectives That Start with C You Seldom Use

Following are some C adjectives that people seldom come across in their lives. You might be seeing some of these adjectives for the first time, so pay close attention to them.

1. Curt

  • Definition: rudely brief
  • Synonyms: terse, brusque, abrupt
  • Example: Jack gave me a curt reply.

2. Corny

  • Definition: trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental
  • Synonyms: banal, trite, hackneyed
  • Example: Jacob has an endless supply of corny jokes.

3. Cathartic

  • Definition: providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis
  • Synonyms: purgative, purging, purifying
  • Example: Crying is a cathartic release.

4. Chipper

  • Definition: cheerful and lively
  • Synonyms: blithesome, bright
  • Example: Eugene was feeling chipper.

5. Commendatory

  • Definition: serving to present something as suitable for approval or acceptance
  • Synonyms: admiring, applauding, appreciative
  • Example: She gave me a commendatory grin.

6. Concordant

  • Definition: in agreement, consistent
  • Synonyms: accordant, coherent, compatible
  • Example: The answers are roughly concordant.

7. Congruous

  • Definition: having the parts agreeably related
  • Synonyms: balanced, consonant
  • Example: His actions are congruous with his principles.

8. Concurrent

  • Definition: existing, happening, or done at the same time
  • Synonyms: simultaneous, coincident, coinciding
  • Example: There are three concurrent art fairs around the city.

9. Conscientious

  • Definition: wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly
  • Synonyms: diligent, industrious, punctilious
  • Example: A conscientious man takes his duties very seriously.

10. Conspicuous

  • Definition: clearly visible
  • Synonyms: detectable, obvious, visible
  • Example: That bird has a conspicuous red head.

Positive Adjectives That Start with C

If you wish to learn some interesting positive words, you might begin by memorizing positive adjectives that start with C. Following is a list of adjectives that start with C.

1. Charitable

  • Definition: relating to the assistance of those in need
  • Synonyms: philanthropic, humanitarian
  • Example: Osman has spent £50,000 on charitable causes.

2. Cozy

  • Definition: giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation
  • Synonyms: snug, comfortable, warm
  • Example: We spent a cozy evening chatting by the fire.

3. Candid

  • Definition: truthful and straightforward
  • Synonyms: frank, forthright
  • Example: Prime minister’s responses were remarkably candid.

4. Celebrated

  • Definition: famous for some special quality or ability
  • Synonyms: famed, renowned
  • Example: Richard was a celebrated writer of children’s stories.

5. Charismatic

  • Definition: used to describe a person who has charisma
  • Synonyms: charming, fascinating
  • Example: Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker.

6. Cherished

  • Definition: bringing the pleasure of love or caring about someone or something that is important to you
  • Synonyms: liked, relished, adored
  • Example: Her most cherished possession is a 1926 letter from F. Scott Fitzgerald.

7. Chivalrous

  • Definition: courteous and gallant, especially towards women
  • Synonyms: gallant, brave, courageous
  • Example: Philip is handsome, upright and chivalrous.

8. Civilized

  • Definition: at an advanced stage of social and cultural development
  • Synonyms: enlightened, educated, advanced
  • Example: A civilized leader must eschew violence.

9. Classy

  • Definition: stylish or fashionable
  • Synonyms: elegant, fashionable, high-class
  • Example: That’s one classy vehicle you’ve got there.

10. Credible

  • Definition: able to be believed or trusted
  • Synonyms: believable, acceptable, trustworthy
  • Example: Baroness Thatcher’s claims seem credible to many.

Adjectives That Start with C to Describe a Person

Adjectives are used to define people’s distinguishing characteristics, which is one of their most essential features. Following is a list of adjectives that start with C to describe a person. Try using these C adjectives to describe a person in your surroundings.

1. Careless

  • Definition: not taking or showing enough care and attention
  • Synonyms: inattentive, incautious, negligent
  • Example: John is a very careless person.

2. Cautious

  • Definition: prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk
  • Synonyms: careful, wary
  • Example: Charles is a cautious driver.

3. Charming

  • Definition: very pleasant or attractive
  • Synonyms: delightful, pleasing
  • Example: We had dinner with our director and his charming wife.

4. Cheerful

  • Definition: noticeably happy and optimistic
  • Synonyms: happy, jolly, merry
  • Example: I always manage to stay cheerful.

5. Clumsy

  • Definition: awkward in movement or in handling things
  • Synonyms: uncoordinated, gauche, awkward
  • Example: He is so clumsy that he can’t even push the small cart ahead.

6. Childish

  • Definition: silly and immature
  • Synonyms: immature, babyish, inane
  • Example: A childish person never gets old.

7. Comical

  • Definition: funny in a strange or silly way
  • Synonyms: amusing, funny, laughable
  • Example: Ahmad looked so comical in that hat.

8. Courageous

  • Definition: having or showing courage
  • Synonyms: brave, fearless
  • Example: It was courageous of her to challenge the managing director’s decision.

9. Cute

  • Definition: attractive in a pretty or endearing way
  • Synonyms: adorable, lovable
  • Example: My mommy has got a really cute nose.

10. Curvaceous

  • Definition: having an attractively curved shape (used especially of a woman or a woman’s figure)
  • Synonyms: busty, curvy, shapely
  • Example: Kylie has a curvaceous physique.

Adjectives That Start with C – Full List (912 Words)

Now that you’ve mastered the skill of incorporating all of the words from the list of adjectives that start with C into sentences, we’ll list them all and more here. This will serve as a sort of review for you.

  • Conditioned
  • Corrective
  • Crackling
  • Countless
  • Calvinistic
  • Capacitive
  • Coeval
  • Collect
  • Centenary
  • Compendious
  • Cheaper
  • Crying
  • Collected
  • Caesural
  • Carbonated
  • Contrarian
  • Chassidic
  • Correlated
  • Catarrhal
  • Chalybeate
  • Congenital
  • Clean
  • Chaldean
  • Compelling
  • Celebratory
  • Cognisant
  • Conglomerate
  • Chinese
  • Complete
  • Chancroidal
  • Chintzy

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with C

Thank you for going through this article on adjectives that start with C. You must have understood the importance of adjectives in our everyday talks by now. What you can do now is that you can incorporate these adjectives starting with C into your own phrases, clauses, and sentences and see how they modify them.

Adjectives enhance the attractiveness of our speech and writing by providing a detailed description of what we see or feel. The more adjectives you have on hand, the more intriguing your description of things will become. The descriptive words that start with C in this article are highly diversified in nature, which will assist you in expressing things in a cool manner.

Adjectives that start with C given in this article are really important for us to learn and utilize. You need to go through this article a couple of times to get a firm grip around all of these.