Should Your Nail Polish Match Your Outfit? Maybe, Maybe not


Trying to ensure your entire outfit matches can be a challenge, and sometimes you might not be able to make it work. For example, when you want to wear a certain scarf or jacket, the more specific it is with colors and patterns, the harder it can be to match to a base outfit.

The same is true for your nails. When you get your nails done at the salon, there’s no guarantee they’ll match every outfit you want to wear for the next few weeks. For many people, this is a dilemma, but your nail polish doesn’t always have to match your outfit to look good.

In fact, you can even go for nude gel nails and you’ll always match. However, if you’re more into color, here’s why you don’t have to worry too much about making sure your nails match your outfit.

Contrasting colors are nice, but they don’t stand out

Most people choose contrasting colors to match their outfit, like using silver nail polish to match a black dress or turquoise polish with a pink dress. There’s nothing wrong with this – unless it’s not really what you want and you’re only going for these color schemes to please other people and avoid criticism.

Contrasting colors can look amazing, but if your goal is to stand out, you need colors that don’t seamlessly match.

Exact match colors don’t always look great

At first glance, you might think that creating a fully matching outfit – nails and all – hinges on the ability to coordinate colors that match exactly. For example, if your nails are blue, you might choose to wear a blue shirt or blue jeans to make sure it’s a total match.

Sometimes this works, but going for an exact color match can actually make your outfit look a little strange. It’s fine if you don’t mind being seen as “the blue person walking down the street,” but if that’s not what you’re going for, change up your colors.

There are plenty of varying non-blue shades, tones, and hues that will go with your blue nails. For example, purple is an excellent companion to blue, and when your hues match, it can be heavenly. You don’t always have to use pure colors. If you’ve got a deep, dark blue, try pairing it with a light, pastel purple. It doesn’t matter what color you paint your nails – there are plenty of complementary colors to choose from.

Your unique expression is yours alone

Another reason not to worry about matching, and perhaps the most important one, is that how you express yourself in the world is entirely your choice. If you want bright orange nails no matter what, other people will probably perceive anything you wear as clashing.

This shouldn’t matter to you at all. People form opinions about everything and everyone, and you can’t escape this fact. Even if your nails match your outfit perfectly, there will always be someone who will complain.

Have the confidence to make your self-expression a personal matter and not based on what other people think. Don’t alter your clothes or nails just to impress other people or get them to say nice things about you. It’s always nice when people give compliments, but don’t suppress your self-expression just to get those accolades.

Sometimes sharply standing out looks great

You’ve probably seen many people over the years who stand out amongst the crowd because of their unique style or high level of confidence in doing what they want. These people can be rare, but they are definitely an inspiration. They are living proof that you can be fully self-expressed while standing out sharply and still be respected and admired.

Society trains us all to make sure we look great before we walk out the door, and for many people, this creates a heavy emphasis on matching every aspect of an outfit. This is just one way to manage your fashion choices. If wearing loud designs, colors, and outfits appeals to you more than creating matching outfits that get standard compliments, do what feels best for you.

There is no one right way to be fashionable, and trends and styles are constantly changing. Just look at the past and you’ll find fashion styles that are hard to believe were ever popular. Yet, at the time, they were all the rage.

Fashion is always a matter of personal preference

You can choose to go with the flow and try to make everything match from head to toe, or you can simply do your own thing, express yourself how you wish, and enjoy having a unique look to your style.