Although the rules of Scrabble are relatively simple, the game has many tricks and strategies that can grant you an advantage over your opponent.
One such area is learning about 9 letter words ending in Y.
Expanding knowledge of 9 letter words that end in Y can give you a unique advantage over opponents during Scrabble and other word games.
Let’s dive in now. 9 Letter Words Ending in Y
abashedly18 | abernethy17 |
aberrancy16 | abidingly16 |
abnormity16 | abortuary14 |
absurdity15 | abundancy17 |
abusively17 | abysmally19 |
acarology15 | accessary16 |
accessory16 | acclivity19 |
accompany20 | accusably18 |
acescency18 | acrophony19 |
actinally14 | actuality14 |
adamantly15 | adhocracy20 |
adiposity15 | adjacency24 |
adjunctly22 | adjutancy22 |
adjuvancy25 | admirably17 |
admiralty15 | adoringly14 |
adrenally13 | adulatory13 |
adversary16 | adversely16 |
adversity16 | advisably18 |
advisedly17 | aeriality12 |
aeromancy16 | aerometry14 |
aerophagy18 | aetiology13 |
affluency20 | afterbody18 |
agamogony16 | agelessly13 |
agreeably15 | agriology14 |
aimlessly14 | airworthy18 |
alackaday19 | alarmedly15 |
algometry15 | aliteracy14 |
allegedly14 | allenarly12 |
allicholy17 | allocarpy16 |
allometry14 | allopathy17 |
allopatry14 | allostery12 |
allotropy14 | allottery12 |
allowably17 | allowedly16 |
alterably14 | altimetry14 |
amatively17 | amazingly24 |
ambiguity17 | amniotomy16 |
amorality14 | amorosity14 |
amorously14 | amphiboly21 |
amphigory20 | ampullary16 |
amusingly15 | anaglyphy21 |
anaplasty14 | anciently14 |
ancientry14 | ancillary14 |
androgyny17 | andrology14 |
anemology15 | angiology14 |
angularly13 | animality14 |
animately14 | animosity14 |
anisogamy15 | annularly12 |
anonymity17 | antennary12 |
anthology16 | anthotaxy22 |
antically14 | antiparty14 |
antipathy17 | antiphony17 |
antiquary21 | antiquely21 |
antiquity21 | antistory12 |
anxiously19 | apparency18 |
appetency18 | apriority14 |
aqueously21 | arability14 |
arbitrary14 | archduchy23 |
archenemy19 | archology18 |
arcuately14 | arduously13 |
areometry14 | armillary14 |
arrivancy17 | arrogancy15 |
artillery12 | artlessly12 |
asexually19 | ashamedly18 |
asininely12 | asininity12 |
aspersory14 | assertory12 |
assiduity13 | assumably16 |
assumedly15 | assuredly13 |
astrology13 | astronomy14 |
asymmetry19 | atheology16 |
atmometry16 | atomicity16 |
atonality12 | atonicity14 |
atoningly13 | audiology14 |
aureately12 | aurorally12 |
austerely12 | austerity12 |
authority15 | autocracy16 |
autolatry12 | autophagy18 |
autophoby19 | autophony17 |
autoreply14 | autoscopy16 |
auxiliary19 | availably17 |
averagely16 | avertedly16 |
avoidably18 | awesomely17 |
awkwardly23 | azeotropy23 |
azygously25 | babbittry18 |
baboonery16 | babydaddy22 |
babyishly22 | bacillary16 |
backstory20 | baldmoney17 |
balefully17 | balkingly19 |
baneberry16 | banefully17 |
bangbelly17 | baptistry16 |
barbarity16 | barometry16 |
baronetcy16 | baroquely23 |
barrasway17 | bashfully20 |
basically16 | bastardly15 |
bastardry15 | battology15 |
beamingly17 | beamishly19 |
bearberry16 | bearishly17 |
beggingly17 | belatedly15 |
belomancy18 | bemusedly17 |
bendingly16 | benignity15 |
berserkly18 | bestially14 |
biassedly15 | biaxially21 |
bifilarly17 | bigotedly16 |
biliously14 | bimonthly19 |
bindingly16 | bioenergy15 |
biography20 | biopiracy18 |
biosafety17 | bipedally17 |
bivalency19 | bizarrely23 |
blackbody23 | blaeberry16 |
blameably18 | blasphemy21 |
blatantly14 | blazingly24 |
bleachery19 | blessedly15 |
blizzardy33 | blotchily19 |
blueberry16 | blurredly15 |
boarishly17 | boilingly15 |
bolometry16 | bookishly21 |
boomingly17 | boorishly17 |
botchedly20 | boutiquey23 |
bracingly17 | branchery19 |
breakaway21 | breathily17 |
breezeway26 | brickclay22 |
bridleway18 | brigandry16 |
brimfully19 | brimstony16 |
brinjarry21 | brittlely14 |
brotherly17 | brusquely23 |
brutality14 | brutishly17 |
buckishly23 | budgetary16 |
bulbosity16 | bulbously16 |
bulgingly16 | bullishly17 |
bullwaddy19 | bumpkinly22 |
bumpology19 | buoyantly17 |
burningly15 | businessy14 |
butcherly19 | butterfly17 |
buttinsky18 | buzzingly33 |
cabinetry16 | cacophony21 |
caddisfly19 | caddishly19 |
calcedony17 | calculary16 |
caliology15 | callidity15 |
callosity14 | callously14 |
calmingly17 | cambistry18 |
campeachy23 | camstairy16 |
camsteary16 | candidacy18 |
cantingly15 | capillary16 |
capitally16 | capsulary16 |
captaincy18 | captainry16 |
captivity19 | cardialgy16 |
carefully17 | cariosity14 |
carnality14 | carnivory17 |
carnosity14 | carpentry16 |
carpingly17 | carpology17 |
cartology15 | cartulary14 |
cassowary17 | casuistry14 |
catalepsy16 | cataplexy23 |
cattishly17 | caulinary14 |
causality14 | cautionry14 |
celebrity16 | cellarway17 |
centenary14 | centrally14 |
ceromancy18 | certainly14 |
certainty14 | champerty21 |
chandlery18 | chantilly17 |
charcoaly19 | chemistry19 |
chemitypy24 | chicanery19 |
chidingly19 | chintzily26 |
chirality17 | chirology18 |
chironomy19 | chiropody20 |
chocolaty19 | chokingly22 |
chondrify21 | chopsocky25 |
chorology18 | chromakey23 |
chuprassy19 | churchway25 |
chymistry22 | ciliately14 |
cinnamony16 | circuitry16 |
citizenly23 | citizenry23 |
civically19 | clamantly16 |
clavately17 | cleanlily14 |
clemently16 | clericity16 |
cliometry16 | clonicity16 |
clouterly14 | cloyingly18 |
coastally14 | coaxially21 |
coaxingly22 | cockamamy24 |
cockneyfy26 | coconutty16 |
cocoonery16 | coequally23 |
coercibly18 | coevality17 |
cognately15 | coherency19 |
colectomy18 | collotypy19 |
colonelcy16 | colophony19 |
colorably16 | colostomy16 |
colourway17 | colpotomy18 |
coltishly17 | columbary18 |
comically18 | commodify22 |
commodity19 | community18 |
compactly20 | complexly25 |
comradely17 | comradery17 |
concavely19 | concavity19 |
concisely16 | condignly16 |
confestly17 | congruity15 |
conically16 | coniology15 |
connately14 | connivery17 |
constancy16 | contently14 |
contrasty14 | contumacy18 |
contumely16 | convexity24 |
coolingly15 | coparceny18 |
copiously16 | coprology17 |
cordately15 | cordially15 |
cordotomy17 | corivalry17 |
corollary14 | coronally14 |
corporify19 | correctly16 |
corruptly16 | cosmogeny17 |
cosmogony17 | cosmology17 |
costively17 | costotomy16 |
costumery16 | cotenancy16 |
countably16 | covalency19 |
coxcombry27 | crabbedly19 |
cranberry16 | cranially14 |
crawdaddy20 | credulity15 |
crematory16 | crenately14 |
creophagy20 | crookedly19 |
crotchety19 | crowberry19 |
crowdedly19 | crowingly18 |
crucially16 | cruiseway17 |
crunchily19 | cryometry19 |
cryoscopy21 | cubbishly21 |
cubically18 | cuckoldly21 |
cuckoldry21 | cullionly14 |
culpatory16 | cultishly17 |
cuneately14 | cunningly15 |
curiosity14 | curiously14 |
currently14 | currishly17 |
cursenary14 | cursitory14 |
cursively17 | cursorary14 |
cursorily14 | customary16 |
custumary16 | cutcherry19 |
cuttingly15 | cyclicity21 |
cynically19 | cystotomy19 |
cytometry19 | cytopathy22 |
damnatory15 | damningly16 |
damselfly18 | dandruffy20 |
darlingly14 | dartingly14 |
dashingly17 | dastardly14 |
daubingly16 | daydreamy19 |
deacidify19 | debatably17 |
decadency18 | decalcify20 |
decanally15 | decennary15 |
deceptory17 | decertify18 |
decidedly17 | decimally17 |
declivity18 | decretory15 |
deducibly18 | deerberry15 |
defiantly16 | definably18 |
deformity18 | dejectory22 |
deliverly16 | democracy19 |
democraty17 | demulsify18 |
demystify21 | demythify24 |
denitrify16 | dentality13 |
dentately13 | dentistry13 |
denyingly17 | depletory15 |
depravity18 | derivably18 |
desertify16 | desirably15 |
desultory13 | deviatory16 |
deviously16 | devitrify19 |
devotedly17 | dexterity20 |
dextrally20 | diabology16 |
diachrony18 | diathermy18 |
dicastery15 | dichogamy21 |
dichotomy20 | dictatory15 |
dietarily13 | diffusely19 |
digitally14 | dignitary14 |
dilatably15 | dilatancy15 |
dimissory15 | diplomacy19 |
directory15 | direfully16 |
discology16 | discovery18 |
disembody18 | disemploy17 |
dismality15 | disparity15 |
dispurvey18 | dissembly17 |
distantly13 | dittology14 |
diurnally13 | divalency18 |
diversely16 | diversify19 |
diversity16 | dividedly18 |
divisibly18 | dobsonfly18 |
doggishly18 | dogmatory16 |
dolefully16 | dollishly16 |
doltishly16 | domically17 |
dominancy17 | donnishly16 |
doohickey22 | doomfully18 |
dormitory15 | dosimetry15 |
dosiology14 | doubtably17 |
doughtily17 | doveishly19 |
dragonfly17 | drinkably19 |
drivingly17 | dromedary16 |
droningly14 | dronishly16 |
drunkenly17 | dubiosity15 |
dubiously15 | dubitably17 |
dubitancy17 | ductilely15 |
ductility15 | dullishly16 |
dulocracy17 | dumpishly20 |
duncishly18 | duobinary15 |
duodenary14 | duplexity22 |
duplicity17 | duskishly20 |
duteously13 | dutifully16 |
dysentery16 | dystrophy21 |
earnestly12 | easefully15 |
ebriosity14 | edibility15 |
edictally15 | educatory15 |
electrify17 | electuary14 |
elegantly13 | elevatory15 |
elocutory14 | elusively15 |
emanatory14 | embracery18 |
emergency17 | eminently14 |
emotively17 | emotivity17 |
empanoply18 | emulously14 |
emunctory16 | endlessly13 |
endophagy19 | endoscopy17 |
endurably15 | engagedly15 |
engravery16 | enjoyably24 |
enragedly14 | entelechy17 |
enterally12 | enviously15 |
envyingly19 | epeolatry14 |
ephoralty17 | epigraphy20 |
epirogeny15 | epochally19 |
equitably23 | ergometry15 |
erosivity15 | erotology13 |
eruditely13 | esemplasy16 |
estimably16 | esuriency14 |
eternally12 | ethically17 |
ethnarchy20 | ethnicity17 |
ethnogeny16 | ethnology16 |
etymology18 | euchology18 |
eudaemony15 | eurhythmy23 |
euthanasy15 | eutrapely14 |
evadingly17 | evasively18 |
everybody21 | evidently16 |
evincibly19 | evocatory17 |
exaltedly20 | excitably23 |
excitancy23 | excitedly22 |
exclusory21 | excretory21 |
excusably23 | execrably23 |
executary21 | executory21 |
exemplary23 | exemplify26 |
exigently20 | expiatory21 |
expletory21 | expressly21 |
exstrophy24 | extensity19 |
extrality19 | extremely21 |
extremity21 | extrusory19 |
exultancy21 | facticity19 |
factually17 | facundity18 |
faddishly20 | failingly16 |
faineancy17 | fairishly18 |
fallalery15 | fantastry15 |
fatefully18 | fatuously15 |
favorably20 | fawningly19 |
fearfully18 | featurely15 |
febricity19 | febrility17 |
feculency19 | fecundity18 |
federally16 | feelingly16 |
feignedly17 | femineity17 |
fertilely15 | fertility15 |
fervently18 | fervidity19 |
festilogy16 | festively18 |
festivity18 | festology16 |
fetoscopy19 | feudality16 |
feudatory16 | fibrously17 |
fictively20 | fiduciary18 |
figurally16 | figuredly17 |
finically17 | finickety21 |
fissility15 | fittingly16 |
fivepenny20 | flaccidly20 |
flagrancy18 | flamingly18 |
flannelly15 | flaringly16 |
flauntily15 | flightily19 |
flippancy21 | floridity16 |
floristry15 | flourishy18 |
flowerily18 | flowingly19 |
fluidally16 | foamingly18 |
fogramity18 | foiningly16 |
foolhardy19 | foolishly18 |
footweary18 | foppishly22 |
forceably19 | forcingly18 |
forecaddy19 | foreignly16 |
forlornly15 | formality17 |
formicary19 | formulary17 |
forwardly19 | fourpenny17 |
fragilely16 | fragility16 |
fragrancy18 | franticly17 |
fratchety20 | freebooty17 |
frenchify23 | frequency26 |
fretfully18 | frigidity17 |
frivolity18 | frontally15 |
frowardly19 | fructuary17 |
frugality16 | fulgently16 |
fulsomely17 | fungosity16 |
furcately17 | furiosity15 |
furiously15 | furtively18 |
gainfully16 | gallantly13 |
gallantry13 | gallingly14 |
garbology16 | garlandry14 |
garnishry16 | garrulity13 |
gasometry15 | gaspingly16 |
gaugeably16 | gawkishly23 |
geminally15 | gemmology18 |
genealogy14 | generalcy15 |
generally13 | geniality13 |
genically15 | genitally13 |
genteelly13 | gentility13 |
genuinely13 | geobotany15 |
geography19 | germanely15 |
gestatory13 | gibbosity17 |
gibbously17 | gigmanity16 |
gimmickry23 | girdingly15 |
girlishly16 | gismology16 |
gizmology25 | glacially15 |
glaringly14 | gleefully16 |
glengarry14 | glidingly15 |
globesity15 | globosely15 |
globosity15 | glowingly17 |
gnawingly17 | goatishly16 |
godlessly14 | goldfinny17 |
goldsinny14 | gorblimey17 |
gossamery15 | gracility15 |
gradatory14 | gradually14 |
grandaddy16 | grandbaby18 |
granulary13 | graphicly20 |
gratingly14 | gravidity17 |
grazingly23 | gripingly16 |
gropingly16 | grouchily18 |
growingly17 | guardedly15 |
gulpingly16 | gummosity17 |
gushingly17 | gustatory13 |
gutlessly13 | gynocracy20 |
gyromancy20 | habitably19 |
hackberry23 | haecceity19 |
haggardly18 | haggishly20 |
hagiarchy21 | hagiology17 |
hairspray17 | halfpenny20 |
halophily20 | haltingly16 |
haplessly17 | haplology18 |
harmfully20 | haruspicy19 |
hastately15 | hatefully18 |
haughtily19 | hawkishly25 |
hawthorny21 | headachey21 |
healingly16 | healthily18 |
heathenry18 | hedgingly18 |
heedfully19 | heinously15 |
helically17 | heliology16 |
heliotypy20 | hellishly18 |
helpfully20 | hemihedry21 |
hemitropy19 | hennishly18 |
heptapody20 | heptarchy22 |
herbivory20 | herbology18 |
hercogamy20 | heritably17 |
herkogamy22 | hesitancy17 |
hideosity16 | hideously16 |
hierarchy20 | hierology16 |
hillbilly17 | hindberry18 |
hintingly16 | hippiatry19 |
hippology20 | hircosity17 |
hispidity18 | hissingly16 |
histogeny16 | histology16 |
historify18 | hodometry18 |
hoggishly20 | homeomery19 |
homocercy21 | homophony22 |
homophyly25 | homoplasy19 |
homospory19 | homostyly20 |
honeyedly19 | honorably17 |
honourary15 | hootnanny15 |
hopefully20 | hoplology18 |
horometry17 | horoscopy19 |
horseplay17 | hortatory15 |
hostilely15 | hostility15 |
howlingly19 | huckstery21 |
huffishly24 | hugeously16 |
humorally17 | hurriedly16 |
hurtfully18 | husbandly18 |
husbandry18 | hushpuppy24 |
hybridity21 | hydrology20 |
hyetology19 | hygrology20 |
hymnology21 | hypergamy23 |
hypernymy25 | hypnogeny21 |
hypnology21 | hypocrisy22 |
hyponasty20 | iatrogeny13 |
ichnology18 | iconicity16 |
iconology15 | idiopathy18 |
ileostomy14 | illegally13 |
illegibly15 | illicitly14 |
imaginary15 | immanency18 |
immediacy19 | immensely16 |
immensity16 | imminency18 |
immodesty17 | immorally16 |
immovably21 | immutably18 |
impavidly20 | impiously16 |
implicity18 | impliedly17 |
impotency18 | improbity18 |
impudency19 | imputably18 |
inability14 | inaudibly15 |
incapably18 | incensory14 |
incretory14 | incurably16 |
incurvity17 | indecency17 |
indelibly15 | indemnify18 |
indemnity15 | indigency16 |
indignify17 | indignity14 |
indolency15 | inebriety14 |
ineffably20 | inerrably14 |
inerrancy14 | inexactly21 |
inferably17 | infirmary17 |
infirmity17 | ingenuity13 |
ingrately13 | inharmony17 |
inherency17 | inhumanly17 |
initially12 | innocency16 |
innocuity14 | inquietly21 |
insatiety12 | insectary14 |
insipidly15 | insolubly14 |
instantly12 | insularly12 |
insulsity12 | integrity13 |
intensely12 | intensify15 |
intensity12 | intercity14 |
interplay14 | intestacy14 |
intracity14 | intricacy16 |
inutilely12 | inutility12 |
invalidly16 | inventory15 |
inversely15 | inviolacy17 |
invisibly17 | iodometry15 |
ionically14 | ionotropy14 |
irascibly16 | irenology13 |
iridology14 | iridotomy15 |
irksomely18 | irreality12 |
irrigably15 | irritably14 |
irritancy14 | isopolity14 |
itineracy14 | itinerary12 |
jabbingly24 | janissary19 |
jarringly20 | jealously19 |
jeeringly20 | jequerity28 |
jequirity28 | jerkingly24 |
jestingly20 | jewellery22 |
jocularly21 | jocundity22 |
jointedly20 | joltingly20 |
joshingly23 | joviality22 |
joylessly22 | jubilancy23 |
judgingly22 | judiciary22 |
jumpingly24 | juniority19 |
juttingly20 | karyogamy22 |
karyology20 | kerblooey18 |
kerflooey19 | kiddingly19 |
killingly17 | kitschify24 |
kitschily21 | knavishly22 |
knowingly20 | koniology17 |
kvetchily24 | labiality14 |
laboredly15 | lacrimary16 |
lacteally14 | laddishly17 |
laggardly15 | laggingly15 |
lambently16 | lampadary17 |
languidly14 | lashingly16 |
lastingly13 | laterally12 |
latitancy14 | latrociny14 |
laudatory13 | laughably18 |
lawlessly15 | leadingly14 |
learnedly13 | leeringly13 |
leewardly16 | legendary14 |
legionary13 | leisurely12 |
lengthily16 | leniently12 |
leprosery14 | leprosity14 |
leprously14 | lethality15 |
leucotomy16 | leukotomy18 |
lexically21 | liability14 |
liberally14 | libratory14 |
lickpenny20 | liltingly13 |
limitedly15 | limnology15 |
limpidity17 | limpingly17 |
lineality12 | linearity12 |
lingberry15 | lingually13 |
lipectomy18 | lipotropy16 |
liquidity22 | lispingly15 |
lissomely14 | literally12 |
lithology16 | lithotomy17 |
lobectomy18 | lobularly14 |
logically15 | logomachy20 |
lollingly13 | longevity16 |
longingly14 | loquacity23 |
louringly13 | loutishly15 |
loxodromy22 | lubricity16 |
luckpenny20 | ludically15 |
lullingly13 | lumpingly17 |
lumpishly19 | lurkingly17 |
lustfully15 | lyrically17 |
lytically17 | macabrely18 |
machinery19 | macrocopy20 |
macrology17 | maddingly17 |
magically17 | magistery15 |
makeready19 | malignity15 |
malingery15 | malleably16 |
mamillary16 | mammality18 |
mammalogy19 | mandatary15 |
mandatory15 | manically16 |
manlikely18 | mannishly17 |
manometry16 | manoscopy18 |
maritally14 | marquetry23 |
marrowsky21 | marshalcy19 |
martially14 | massively17 |
mastopexy23 | matchplay21 |
maternity14 | matriliny14 |
matrimony16 | maudlinly15 |
mawkishly24 | maxillary21 |
maximally23 | maximumly25 |
mayoralty17 | meaningly15 |
medalplay17 | mediately15 |
mediatory15 | medicably19 |
medically17 | medullary15 |
meliority14 | meltingly15 |
memorably18 | mendacity17 |
mendicity17 | mentality14 |
mercenary16 | mereology15 |
mesentery14 | mesically16 |
mesocrany16 | metrology15 |
microcopy20 | micrology17 |
microtomy18 | midweekly22 |
midwifery21 | migratory15 |
militancy16 | milksoppy22 |
millenary14 | millinery14 |
mincingly17 | mindfully18 |
minimally16 | minirugby17 |
mischancy21 | misemploy18 |
miserably16 | missilery14 |
missingly15 | moanfully17 |
moaningly15 | mobbishly21 |
mobocracy20 | mockingly21 |
modernity15 | modularly15 |
moilingly15 | momentany16 |
momentary16 | monastery14 |
mongrelly15 | monkishly21 |
monocracy18 | monolatry14 |
monomachy21 | monophagy20 |
monophony19 | monophyly22 |
monopsony16 | monostely14 |
moonishly17 | moonshiny17 |
morbidity17 | mordacity17 |
mordantly15 | mortality14 |
mountainy14 | multicity16 |
multicopy18 | mumpishly21 |
mundanely15 | mundanity15 |
muscology17 | musefully17 |
museology15 | mushroomy19 |
musically16 | mutuality14 |
mycophagy25 | myiophily22 |
myography23 | mystagogy19 |
mythology21 | naggingly15 |
narghilly16 | narratory12 |
naseberry14 | naturally12 |
naughtily16 | navigably18 |
necessary14 | necessity14 |
necrology15 | necrotomy16 |
needfully16 | neesberry14 |
neoplasty14 | nephology18 |
nephralgy18 | nervosity15 |
nervously15 | neurility12 |
neurology13 | neurotomy14 |
neutrally12 | nightmary18 |
ninepenny14 | nippingly17 |
nobiliary14 | nocuously14 |
noddingly15 | noisomely14 |
nominally14 | nomocracy18 |
nonbinary14 | noncounty14 |
nonenergy13 | nonentity12 |
nonfamily17 | nonglossy13 |
nongreasy13 | noninjury19 |
nonorally12 | nonparity14 |
nonsteady13 | nonsticky18 |
nordicity15 | normality14 |
northerly15 | nostology13 |
notaphily17 | notoriety12 |
noxiously19 | numbingly17 |
numerably16 | numerally14 |
nummulary16 | nuptially14 |
objectify26 | obliquely23 |
obliquity23 | obovately17 |
obscenely16 | obscenity16 |
obscurely16 | obscurity16 |
obstinacy16 | obtundity15 |
obversely17 | obviously17 |
occupancy20 | odontalgy14 |
odorously13 | oedipally15 |
oenomancy16 | oenophily17 |
offertory18 | officiary20 |
ogreishly16 | ohmically19 |
okeydokey24 | olfactory17 |
oligarchy18 | oligopoly15 |
ominously14 | onerously12 |
ontically14 | operantly14 |
operosely14 | operosity14 |
ophiology18 | opponency18 |
opposably18 | opsimathy19 |
optically16 | optimally16 |
optometry16 | opulently14 |
orbitally14 | ordinally13 |
originary13 | orography18 |
orotundly13 | orthodoxy23 |
orthopedy18 | oscitancy16 |
osmically16 | osmometry16 |
osseously12 | ostensory12 |
osteogeny13 | osteology13 |
osteotomy14 | otoplasty14 |
ouroscopy16 | outcrafty17 |
outdoorsy13 | outjockey25 |
outwardly16 | overcarry17 |
overfussy18 | overhappy22 |
overhasty18 | overlusty15 |
overmerry17 | overstory15 |
overstudy16 | overweary18 |
oviparity17 | ovulatory15 |
paediatry15 | paedology16 |
pageantry15 | painfully17 |
painterly14 | palatably16 |
palatally14 | paleology15 |
palillogy15 | pallidity15 |
palmately16 | palmistry16 |
palpatory16 | panically16 |
panspermy18 | pantagamy17 |
pantingly15 | papillary16 |
paraffiny20 | parcenary16 |
parchedly20 | parcimony18 |
parlously14 | parquetry23 |
parsimony16 | partially14 |
passersby16 | passingly15 |
passively17 | passivity17 |
patchouly19 | paternity14 |
pathogeny18 | pathology18 |
patiently14 | patriliny14 |
patrimony16 | patrology15 |
pausingly15 | peaceably18 |
peasantry14 | peccantly18 |
peckishly23 | pecuniary16 |
pederasty15 | peevishly20 |
pelletify17 | pellitory14 |
peltately14 | peltingly15 |
pendantly15 | pendently15 |
penguinry15 | penitency16 |
pensility14 | pensively17 |
pentalogy15 | pentamery16 |
pentapody17 | pentarchy19 |
pepticity18 | perennity14 |
perfectly19 | perfumery19 |
perimetry16 | periphery19 |
periptery16 | permalloy16 |
permeably18 | perorally14 |
personify17 | pervicacy21 |
pestology15 | petrogeny15 |
petrology15 | pettishly17 |
petulancy16 | phenocopy21 |
phenology18 | philately17 |
philavery20 | philogyny21 |
philology18 | phocomely21 |
phonatory17 | phonology18 |
phonotypy22 | photocopy21 |
photogeny18 | photoplay19 |
phototaxy24 | phototypy22 |
phrasally17 | phycology23 |
phylarchy25 | phylogeny21 |
physiatry20 | phytogeny21 |
phytology21 | phytotomy22 |
piggishly19 | pinnately14 |
piquantly23 | piscatory16 |
piteously14 | pitifully17 |
pituitary14 | pityingly18 |
pivotally17 | placatory16 |
placidity17 | placitory16 |
planarity14 | planetary14 |
plangency17 | plasticky20 |
plasticly16 | plausibly16 |
playfully20 | pleasedly15 |
pleiomery16 | pleiotaxy21 |
plenarily14 | plicately16 |
ploughboy20 | plumosely16 |
plumosity16 | plurality14 |
plutology15 | plutonomy16 |
pockmanky26 | poenology15 |
poetastry14 | poignancy17 |
pointedly15 | pokeberry20 |
politicly16 | polyamory19 |
polyandry18 | polyarchy22 |
polycarpy21 | polymasty19 |
polymathy22 | polyonymy22 |
polyphagy23 | polyphony22 |
polyzoary26 | pomposity18 |
pompously18 | popularly16 |
porcupiny18 | poroscopy18 |
posterity14 | pothecary19 |
pouringly15 | poutingly15 |
powerplay19 | pratingly15 |
prayingly18 | preachify22 |
preachily19 | precatory16 |
precisely16 | precocity18 |
predacity17 | predatory15 |
prefatory17 | pregnancy17 |
prelusory14 | premodify20 |
prenotify17 | preoccupy20 |
presbyopy21 | presently14 |
presurvey17 | primality16 |
primarily16 | privately17 |
probatory16 | probingly17 |
procacity18 | procerity16 |
procuracy18 | proditory15 |
profamily19 | profanely17 |
profanity17 | profusely17 |
prolately14 | proletary14 |
prolixity21 | prolusory14 |
propriety16 | protandry15 |
protogyny18 | proveably19 |
provisory17 | provostry17 |
proximity23 | prudently15 |
prudishly18 | pruriency16 |
publicity18 | puckishly23 |
puerilely14 | puerility14 |
puffingly21 | pugnacity17 |
pulmonary16 | pulsatory14 |
pungently15 | punningly15 |
pupillary16 | purgatory15 |
purposely16 | purringly15 |
purulency16 | pushfully20 |
pushingly18 | putridity15 |
puzzledly33 | pyrolatry17 |
pyromancy21 | pyrometry19 |
quadruply24 | quakingly26 |
quantally21 | quarterly21 |
querimony23 | quintuply23 |
rackingly19 | radiality13 |
radiantly13 | radiately13 |
radiatory13 | radically15 |
radiology14 | raffishly21 |
railingly13 | rakehelly19 |
rammishly19 | rampantly16 |
rancidity15 | rantingly13 |
rascality14 | raspatory14 |
raspberry16 | raspingly15 |
raucously14 | raunchily17 |
raylessly15 | razzberry32 |
recertify17 | reclusely14 |
reclusory14 | recreancy16 |
recusancy16 | reddishly17 |
redisplay15 | redolency15 |
reducibly17 | reekingly17 |
reelingly13 | refectory17 |
refinedly16 | refortify18 |
refutably17 | regionary13 |
reglorify16 | regularly13 |
rejustify22 | relatedly13 |
relaxedly20 | relevancy17 |
reliantly12 | reliquary21 |
reliquefy24 | reliquify24 |
remanency16 | remissory14 |
removably19 | removedly18 |
renewably17 | renewedly16 |
renitency14 | reparably16 |
repertory14 | repletely14 |
reposedly15 | reprobacy18 |
reputably16 | reputedly15 |
requalify24 | residency15 |
residuary13 | respecify19 |
restfully15 | restively15 |
retestify15 | reticency16 |
retiredly13 | reversely15 |
revivably20 | revocably19 |
revokably21 | rheometry17 |
rhinology16 | rhizotomy26 |
rhoticity17 | ricketily18 |
rightably18 | ringingly14 |
riotously12 | rippingly17 |
roaringly13 | rockingly19 |
roguishly16 | rompingly17 |
rompishly19 | roseately12 |
rostrally12 | rotundity13 |
roundedly14 | roundelay13 |
rousingly13 | routinely12 |
routously12 | rubbishly19 |
ruffianly18 | ruinously12 |
runningly13 | runtishly15 |
rusticity14 | ruthfully18 |
ruttishly15 | sacrality14 |
sagittary13 | saintlily12 |
saleslady13 | saliently12 |
salimetry14 | saltatory12 |
saltishly15 | salubrity14 |
salvatory15 | sanctuary14 |
sapiently14 | saprobity16 |
sarcology15 | savourily15 |
scaleably16 | scapulary16 |
scatology15 | schlockey23 |
schmaltzy28 | scholarly17 |
schoolboy19 | schoolday18 |
schoolery17 | sciamachy21 |
sciomachy21 | sciomancy18 |
sciosophy19 | scouthery17 |
scraggily16 | scrappily18 |
scrawnily17 | scrimpily18 |
scriptory16 | scrubbily18 |
scruffily20 | seakindly17 |
seannachy17 | searingly13 |
seawardly16 | seaworthy18 |
secondary15 | secretary14 |
secretory14 | sectility14 |
secularly14 | sedentary13 |
seemingly15 | seigneury13 |
seigniory13 | selfishly18 |
semblably18 | semideify18 |
seminally14 | semiology15 |
seniority12 | sensately12 |
sensorily12 | sensually12 |
sentiency14 | separably16 |
septenary14 | septicity16 |
sequacity23 | sequently21 |
sergeancy15 | sergeanty13 |
seriality12 | seriately12 |
seriously12 | serjeancy21 |
serjeanty19 | serpentry14 |
serriedly13 | servantry15 |
servilely15 | servility15 |
sessility12 | seventhly18 |
severally15 | severalty15 |
sexlessly19 | sexuality19 |
shadberry18 | shadowily19 |
shallowly18 | shameably19 |
shiningly16 | showbizzy38 |
showmanly20 | shrubbery19 |
sibilancy16 | sickishly21 |
sidlingly14 | siftingly16 |
sighingly17 | sigillary13 |
signatory13 | similarly14 |
sincerely14 | sincerity14 |
singingly14 | singsongy14 |
singulary13 | sinlessly12 |
sinuately12 | sinuosity12 |
sinuously12 | sitiology13 |
sketchily21 | skiamachy23 |
skiascopy20 | skilfully19 |
slaistery12 | slaphappy21 |
slavishly18 | sleepaway17 |
slenderly13 | slidingly14 |
slopingly15 | slouchily17 |
sluiceway17 | smilingly15 |
smudgedly17 | snatchily17 |
snowberry17 | soakingly17 |
soapberry16 | soapsudsy15 |
soaringly13 | sobbingly17 |
sociality14 | sociology15 |
sokemanry18 | soldierly13 |
solemnify17 | solemnity14 |
soliloquy21 | solvently15 |
songfully16 | sonically14 |
sonnetary12 | sophistry17 |
sororally12 | sortilegy13 |
sottishly15 | soulfully15 |
sourishly15 | southerly15 |
spacially16 | sparingly15 |
sparsedly15 | spatially14 |
speakeasy18 | specially16 |
specialty16 | speechify22 |
spinosely14 | spinosity14 |
spirality14 | splashily17 |
splintery14 | splodgily16 |
spluttery14 | sporogeny15 |
sporogony15 | spousally14 |
sprechery19 | sprightly18 |
springily15 | squalidly22 |
squashily24 | squattily21 |
squeakery25 | squeakily25 |
squinancy23 | squiralty21 |
squirrely21 | stability14 |
stableboy16 | stagnancy15 |
staminody15 | standaway16 |
starchily17 | stargazey22 |
staringly13 | statelily12 |
statutory12 | staunchly17 |
stenotypy17 | sterilely12 |
sterility12 | stewardry16 |
stewartry15 | stiltedly13 |
stintedly13 | stipulary14 |
stitchery17 | stoically14 |
stolidity13 | strangely13 |
strangury13 | streakily16 |
streetboy14 | strenuity12 |
stridency15 | stringily13 |
stroppily16 | studentry13 |
studiedly14 | stupidity15 |
stylishly18 | suability14 |
suasively15 | subacidly17 |
subagency17 | subahdary18 |
subcavity19 | subcolony16 |
subcounty16 | subdeputy17 |
subduably17 | subduedly16 |
subfamily19 | sublimely16 |
sublimity16 | sublunary14 |
submissly16 | subtilely14 |
subtility14 | sugarally13 |
summarily16 | sumptuary16 |
sunlessly12 | superably16 |
superbity16 | supercity16 |
supremacy18 | supremely16 |
supremity16 | surgeoncy15 |
surquedry22 | surreally12 |
surrendry13 | surrogacy15 |
suturally12 | swarthily18 |
swinishly18 | swollenly15 |
swordplay18 | syllabary17 |
syllabify20 | symbology20 |
sympetaly19 | synchrony20 |
tabularly14 | tactfully17 |
tacticity16 | tactilely14 |
tactility14 | tactually14 |
taphonomy19 | tartishly15 |
tasimetry14 | tautology13 |
tautonymy17 | taxidermy22 |
teachably19 | teacherly17 |
tearfully15 | teasingly13 |
tediosity13 | tediously13 |
teemingly15 | tegularly13 |
teknonymy21 | telemetry14 |
teleology13 | teleonomy14 |
telepathy17 | telephony17 |
telescopy16 | telically14 |
tellingly13 | temporary16 |
temulency16 | tendrilly13 |
tenebrity14 | tensilely12 |
tensility12 | tenuously12 |
termitary14 | ternately12 |
terrenely12 | territory12 |
testimony14 | tetralogy13 |
tetrapody15 | tetrarchy17 |
textually19 | thelytoky22 |
theocracy19 | theocrasy17 |
theomachy22 | theomancy19 |
theopathy20 | theophagy21 |
theophany20 | theosophy20 |
thereaway18 | thermally17 |
therology16 | thingummy20 |
thinkably21 | thirstily15 |
thriftily18 | throatily15 |
throughly19 | throwaway21 |
thrupenny17 | tigrishly16 |
timenoguy15 | timeously14 |
timocracy18 | tinkertoy16 |
titubancy16 | titularly12 |
toilfully15 | tolerably14 |
tonically14 | tonnishly15 |
tonometry14 | topectomy18 |
topically16 | topometry16 |
toppingly17 | torpidity15 |
torridity13 | tortility12 |
touchably19 | toxically21 |
toxophily24 | traceably16 |
tracheary17 | tractably16 |
trafficky24 | traitorly12 |
trancedly15 | treachery17 |
tribology15 | tribunary14 |
tributary14 | tricksily18 |
trinketry16 | triploidy15 |
triumviry17 | trivially15 |
triweekly19 | tropology15 |
truepenny14 | tubectomy18 |
tubularly14 | tuggingly15 |
tunefully15 | turbidity15 |
turgently13 | turgidity14 |
twalpenny17 | twelfthly21 |
twinberry17 | twiningly16 |
twitchily20 | tycoonery17 |
tylectomy19 | typically19 |
ulotrichy17 | ultratiny12 |
unadeptly15 | unaidedly14 |
unanimity14 | unawarely15 |
uncannily14 | uncharity17 |
uncivilly17 | unclarity14 |
uncleanly14 | unclearly14 |
uncourtly14 | uncouthly17 |
uncurably16 | underbody16 |
underclay15 | underplay15 |
undignify17 | undulancy15 |
undyingly17 | uneagerly13 |
unearthly15 | unequally21 |
unfleshly18 | unfunnily15 |
unfussily15 | unghostly16 |
ungodlily14 | ungravely16 |
unhandily16 | unhappily19 |
unhealthy18 | unheedily16 |
unhumanly17 | uniformly17 |
unitarily12 | unitarity12 |
unitively15 | unkemptly20 |
unluckily18 | unmixedly22 |
unmorally14 | unmovably19 |
unmovedly18 | unorderly13 |
unpliably16 | unqualify24 |
unqueenly21 | unquietly21 |
unreadily13 | unreality12 |
unroyally15 | unsaintly12 |
unsalably14 | unsavoury15 |
unshapely17 | unsightly16 |
unsoberly14 | unsolidly13 |
unsoundly13 | untamably16 |
untenably14 | unthrifty18 |
untunably14 | unusually12 |
unwieldly16 | unwittily15 |
unwomanly17 | unworldly16 |
upcountry16 | uprightly18 |
upsadaisy15 | uranology13 |
urinology13 | urography18 |
usability14 | uselessly12 |
usurpedly15 | uterotomy14 |
uxorially19 | vacuously17 |
vaginally16 | vagrantly16 |
vainglory16 | valiantly15 |
vampishly22 | variously15 |
varyingly19 | vasectomy19 |
vastidity16 | veeringly16 |
vegetably18 | vegetally16 |
vehemency22 | venerably17 |
vengeably18 | veniality15 |
ventosity15 | ventrally15 |
verbality17 | verbosely17 |
verbosity17 | verdantly16 |
veritably17 | vernality15 |
verticity17 | vexillary22 |
viability17 | vibrantly17 |
vibratory17 | viciosity17 |
viciously17 | villagery16 |
villosity15 | villously15 |
violently15 | virginity16 |
virtually15 | virulency17 |
viscidity18 | viscosity17 |
viscounty17 | viscously17 |
visionary15 | visuality15 |
vitellary15 | vitiosity15 |
voguishly19 | volumetry17 |
voluntary15 | vorticity17 |
vulgarity16 | vulnerary15 |
waggishly20 | wailfully18 |
wailingly16 | waitingly16 |
wakefully22 | wanchancy22 |
warlockry21 | warningly16 |
waspishly20 | wassailry15 |
wastingly16 | waterlily15 |
waywardly22 | weakishly22 |
wealthily18 | wearingly16 |
weatherly18 | weepingly18 |
weetingly16 | weightily19 |
welcomely19 | whifflery24 |
whimberry22 | whinberry20 |
whiningly19 | whipcordy23 |
whorishly21 | wikiality19 |
willfully18 | willingly16 |
wimpishly22 | wincingly18 |
windingly17 | wineberry17 |
winkingly20 | winningly16 |
winsomely17 | wishfully21 |
wistfully18 | witchetty20 |
witlessly15 | wittingly16 |
wolfberry20 | wolfishly21 |
wolvishly21 | workmanly21 |
worriedly16 | woundedly17 |
xenophoby26 | xerically21 |
xerochasy24 | xerophagy25 |
xerophily24 | yappingly20 |
yawningly19 | yesterday16 |
yobbishly22 | youngthly19 |
zamindary24 | zealously21 |
zemindary24 | zestfully24 |
zircalloy23 | zoography27 |
zoomorphy28 | zooplasty23 |
zootechny26 | zootrophy26 |
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Final Thoughts
We hope you find this list of nine-letter words ending in Y helpful whenever you want to take on your opponents.
They are extremely helpful in earning big points and winning your next Scrabble game or other similar word games.
Use these words to amaze your friends and beat them.
If we missed any good 9-letter words, please let us know in the comments section below.
Thanks for reading this post and happy Scrabbling!