Let us discuss positive words that start with M. Have you been looking for ways to boost your morale? Do you require assistance in praising your friends? Do you simply need to be more optimistic in general? Well, this article can definitely help. A list of positive words that start with M will be put before you in this article and it is necessary that you learn as many of them as possible.
You might already be familiar with the general concept of positive words. We are just going to share with you an example to make them clearer. One example from the list of positive words starting with M could be a “mentor” that denotes someone who acts as an adviser to someone. In a sentence, it might sound something like this ‘Alan is my mentor.’
M, or m, is the thirteenth letter of the modern English alphabet. It symbolizes person’s inner being, as well as the forces that intertwine to maintain the World Order. In the magical world, it represents the preservation and the protection of the gods. Like the letter M itself, you will come across a number of fascinating positive words that start with M in this article.
Following are some of the categories of positive words beginning with M. Using any of the positive phrases on this list in your daily life can help you convey your message in a much more pleasant manner.
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Positive Words That Start with M to Describe a Person
Following are some of the positive words that start with M to describe a person. From the list of words starting with M to describe a person positively given below, try and learn as many as possible.
1. Mate
- Definition: a friend
- Synonyms: companion, comrade, roommate
- Example: Ali and I have been mates since our school days.
2. Mentor
- Definition: an experienced and trusted adviser
- Synonyms: adviser, coach, guide, instructor
- Example: James was her friend and mentor until his death.
3. Mastermind
- Definition: a person with an outstanding intellect
- Synonyms: genius, intellect, architect
- Example: Christopher’s the mastermind behind two of TV’s biggest hits.
4. Moralist
- Definition: one who leads a moral life
- Synonyms: disciplinarian, rationalist,
- Example: This organic vision of society was shared by moralists and philosophers.
5. Mensch
- Definition: a good and honest person
- Synonyms: gentleman, prince
- Example: Tom has been a real mensch.
6. Marital
- Definition: connected with marriage
- Synonyms: nuptial, spousal
- Example: The formula for marital harmony and success is not a mysterious secret.
7. Mirthful
- Definition: full of laughter, humor, or happiness
- Synonyms: high-spirited, cheerful, fun-filled
- Example: The mirthful girl couldn’t stop smiling after opening her holiday gifts.
8. Maverick
- Definition: a person who thinks and acts in an independent way
- Synonyms: nonconformist, individualist
- Example: Isabelle’s always been a bit of a maverick.
9. Meritorious
- Definition: deserving great praise
- Synonyms: praiseworthy, exemplary, deserving
- Example: Marty was praised for his meritorious service.
10. Maven
- Definition: a person with good knowledge of a subject
- Synonyms: consultant, advisor
- Example: Jeremy’s a basketball maven and knows Michael Johnson’s statistics by heart.
Positive Words That Start with M to Encourage Yourself
When we reflect back on occasions when we heard encouraging remarks, we recall how happy and driven we felt afterwards. Following is a list of encouraging words that start with M. Utilization of this list of motivational words that start with M will surely help you encourage yourself.
1. Motivation
- Definition: enthusiasm for doing something
- Synonyms: encouragement, impetus, incentive
- Example: Although Bob is an excellent student, he just needs some motivation to do what he wants.
2. Master
- Definition: to learn how to do something well
- Synonyms: acquire, learn
- Example: Our teacher quickly mastered the art of interviewing people.
3. Momentum
- Definition: the force that keeps an object moving
- Synonyms: energy, power, boost
- Example: Aliya gave fresh momentum to the campaign.
4. Muster
- Definition: to produce or encourage emotion or support
- Synonyms: gather, assemble
- Example: Their team will need all the strength they can muster to win this game.
5. Manliness
- Definition: the traditional male quality of being brave and strong
- Synonyms: boldness, bravery, chivalry, courage
- Example: Joseph loves manliness, truth and justice.
6. Marked
- Definition: clearly noticeable
- Synonyms: distinguishable, distinct, noticeable
- Example: There was a marked improvement in Sean’s health when he gave up smoking.
7. Motto
- Definition: a word, phrase, or sentence that expresses the principles or belief of a person, group, country, or organization
- Synonyms: slogan, catchword, maxim
- Example: My life’s motto is, “Live and let live”.
8. Mandatory
- Definition: something that is obligatory
- Synonyms: requisite, imperative, necessary
- Example: Attendance is mandatory at all meetings.
9. Miraculous
- Definition: very surprising, or difficult to believe
- Synonyms: astonishing, amazing, astounding
- Example: Naomi made a miraculous recovery since last night!
10. Marshal
- Definition: to bring things or people together in order to achieve a particular aim
- Synonyms: assemble, mobilize, deploy
- Example: The soldier marshalled all his courage and ran towards the enemy.
Positive Words That Start with M to Compliment Others
Try and learn as many words as possible from the list of nice words that start with M given below. Show your friends, family, and coworkers how much you appreciate them by complementing them with these lovely words.
1. Mature
- Definition: to behave in a responsible way
- Synonyms: develop, grow, evolve
- Example: Murphy matured a lot while he was in college.
2. Matchless
- Definition: better than everything else
- Synonyms: excellent, exquisite, incomparable
- Example: Maria’s matchless beauty is beyond description.
3. Modest
- Definition: not to make obvious your own abilities and achievements
- Synonyms: unpretentious, quiet, shy
- Example: Kane Williamson was modest about his latest triumph.
4. Mighty
- Definition: possessing great and impressive power
- Synonyms: robust, energetic, vigorous
- Example: Xavier is a mighty handsome stud.
5. Major
- Definition: more important or serious than others of the same type
- Synonyms: crucial, paramount
- Example: Hard work plays a major role in success.
6. Marvelous
- Definition: extremely good
- Synonyms: astonishing, amazing, bewildering
- Example: It’s marvelous how everyone’s tried to help him.
7. Mind-blowing
- Definition: extremely exciting or surprising
- Synonyms: interesting, intriguing, provocative
- Example: The special effects in this film are pretty mind-blowing.
8. Mobile
- Definition: able to move easily
- Synonyms: lively, energetic
- Example: The Marines are a highly mobile force and can get anywhere fast.
9. Manifold
- Definition: marked by variety
- Synonyms: complex, diversified
- Example: Our City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city.
10. Manna
- Definition: a food that dropped from heaven and prevented Moses and his people from dying of hunger in the desert
- Synonyms: bread, food
- Example: To the refugees, the food shipments were manna from heaven.
Positive Words That Start with M to Help Through Difficulties
Sometimes, life can get us down, and we need some inspiration to keep going. Following are positive words that start with the letter M that can help you get through hard and stressful times.
1. Move
- Definition: an act of moving
- Synonyms: change, action initiative
- Example: One should make a move before it is too late.
2. Matter
- Definition: be important or significant
- Synonyms: count, esteem
- Example: The only thing that matters is your courage up against these troubled times.
3. Maintain
- Definition: to cause or enable a condition or situation to continue
- Synonyms: manage, preserve, protect
- Example: We aim to maintain high standards of customer care.
4. Mindful
- Definition: careful not to forget about something
- Synonyms: cautious, conscious
- Example: I’m trying to be more mindful and I think it helps me with stress.
5. Merger
- Definition: a situation when two or more companies, organizations, departments, etc. join together
- Synonyms: alliance, affiliation, partnership
- Example: The CEO thought a friendly merger would revitalize the company.
6. Mitigate
- Definition: to make something less harmful or bad
- Synonyms: alleviate, lessen, reduce
- Example: Drinking plenty of fluids can mitigate the effects of the flu.
7. Maneuver
- Definition: a planned action that is intended to obtain an advantage
- Synonyms: tactic, scheme
- Example: A clever maneuver by the CEO secured a valuable contract for the company.
8. Mettle
- Definition: ability and determination when doing something difficult
- Synonyms: bravery, courage
- Example: Roger’s team proved its mettle in the final round.
9. Mandate
- Definition: the authority given to an elected group of people to govern
- Synonyms: decree, directive
- Example: The government is seeking a fresh mandate from the people for the upcoming elections.
10. Multifarious
- Definition: of many different types
- Synonyms: heterogeneous, miscellaneous, mixed
- Example: Belgium is a composite of multifarious traditions and people.
Positive Words That Start with M to Uplift Our Mind
What have you been telling yourself lately? Beware negativity, because all of your negative thoughts could become your new reality. Let’s introduce you to some good words that start with M that can help you uplift your mind.
1. Muse
- Definition: to think about something carefully and for a long time
- Synonyms: consider, feel
- Example: Samson began to muse about the possibility of starting his own business.
2. Mystical
- Definition: relating to the belief that there is hidden meaning in life
- Synonyms: magical, cryptic, hermetical
- Example: Alexa joined a religious community after having a series of mystical visions.
3. Mantra
- Definition: a word or sound that is believed to have a special spiritual power
- Synonyms: slogan, catchphrase
- Example: Rachel’s mantra is “Eat well and live well”.
4. Mass
- Definition: the celebration of the Christian Eucharist
- Synonyms: communion, Lord’s Supper
- Example: All of them went to Mass yesterday.
5. Magnanimous
- Definition: very kind and generous towards an enemy
- Synonyms: charitable, considerate, selfless
- Example: Our team’s manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team for its effort.
6. Metaphysical
- Definition: relating to the part of philosophy that is about understanding existence and knowledge
- Synonyms: spiritual, transcendental, otherworldly
- Example: Lauren claims that metaphysical beliefs are the result of our earliest experiences and the culture around us.
7. Miscellany
- Definition: a mixture of different things
- Synonyms: blend, mixture, variety
- Example: The British Museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures.
8. Monastic
- Definition: relating to monks, nuns, or others living under religious vows
- Synonyms: austere, contemplative, solitary
- Example: Roy was drawn to the monastic life.
9. Memento
- Definition: an object that you keep to remember a person, place, or event
- Synonyms: keepsake, relic, reminder
- Example: I kept a seashell as a memento of our holiday.
10. Monotheistic
- Definition: characterized by the belief that there is only one God
- Synonyms: absolute, conventional, oneness
- Example: The three monotheistic religions with the most followers are Islam, Christianity, Judaism.
List of Positive Words That Start with M to Keep Us Stay Positive
Surrounding yourself with positive words to motivate you during your workdays will push you to exceed the limits you once thought you had. Below is one such list of positive words that start with M.
1. Memory
- Definition: something that you remember from the past
- Synonyms: recollection, remembrance, thought
- Example: Zain has many pleasant memories of Alba.
2. Marriage
- Definition: a legally accepted relationship between two people in which they live together
- Synonyms: union, matrimony
- Example: Tom and Mary had a long and happy marriage.
3. Mercy
- Definition: kindness that makes you forgive someone
- Synonyms: forgiveness, generosity, leniency
- Example: His father showed me mercy and he showed me kindness.
4. Morale
- Definition: the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a difficult situation
- Synonyms: resolve, self-confidence, spirit
- Example: A couple of victories would improve our team’s morale enormously.
5. Mingle
- Definition: to move around and talk to other people at a social event
- Synonyms: blend, mix, coalesce
- Example: Reece seems to be mingling with the guests.
6. Meditation
- Definition: the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period of time
- Synonyms: introspection, reflection, rumination
- Example: Margaret found peace through yoga and meditation.
7. Meander
- Definition: to wander
- Synonyms: ramble, roam, wander
- Example: We spent the afternoon meandering around the streets of the old town.
8. Menagerie
- Definition: a collection of wild animals that are kept privately or to show to the public
- Synonyms: collection, exhibition
- Example: Charlie owns a great palace, with gardens, a menagerie and a good library.
9. Mellifluous
- Definition: having a pleasant and flowing sound
- Synonyms: mellow, pleasing, resonant
- Example: We want hire a lady with a mellifluous voice for the job of a customer executive.
10. Malapropism
- Definition: the mistaken use of an incorrect word in place of a word with a similar sound, resulting in a humorous utterance
- Synonyms: solecism, slip of the tongue
- Example: In class, everyone laughed at Donald’s malapropism when he complained about electrical votes instead of electoral votes.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with M
Positive words are a dynamic factor in the encouragement, inspiration, momentum, and causation of positive lifestyles in our daily lives. Following are some kind words that start with M that we commonly use in our day-to-day lives.
1. Memorable
- Definition: worth remembering
- Synonyms: famous, great, important
- Example: That was indeed the most memorable day of my life.
2. Magic
- Definition: a special and exciting quality that makes something seem different from ordinary things
- Synonyms: fascination, enchantment, charm
- Example: No one could fail to be charmed by the magic of this beautiful city.
3. Music
- Definition: vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion
- Synonyms: song, melody, tune
- Example: Several couples are dancing to the music.
4. Motherly
- Definition: typical of a kind or caring mother
- Synonyms: affectionate, careful, comforting
- Example: Elaina has been a kind, motherly woman.
5. Magnitude
- Definition: the great size or extent of something
- Synonyms: completeness, amplitude, greatness
- Example: You need to appreciate the magnitude of Rebecca’s achievement.
6. Manifest
- Definition: obvious to the eye or mind
- Synonyms: apparent, clear, evident
- Example: Watson’s manifest joy in music becomes evident as soon as he starts to speak.
7. Monumental
- Definition: great in importance
- Synonyms: colossal, considerable, enormous
- Example: Darwin published his monumental work on evolution in 1859.
8. Memorial
- Definition: an object, made of stone, built to honor a famous person
- Synonyms: keepsake, memento, monument
- Example: The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war.
9. Mores
- Definition: characteristic customs and conventions of a community
- Synonyms: norms, customs, conventions
- Example: Bobby teaches them good manners and social mores.
10. Mutate
- Definition: to change from one thing or type of thing into another
- Synonyms: change, transform, shift
- Example: Nicholas has mutated from an awkward teenager into a sophisticated young man.
Positive Words That Start with M for Attractive Resumes
Diction or word choice is important when it comes to drafting your resume. The words used show what level the candidates are at in their career. Following are some inspirational words that start with M that can help you make your resume better.
1. Mission
- Definition: an important assignment given to a person or group of people
- Synonyms: task, assignment, operation
- Example: Gustavo has been charged with an important mission.
2. Meaningful
- Definition: useful, serious, or important
- Synonyms: purposeful, relevant, serious
- Example: The trip turned out to be very meaningful for the both of us.
3. Methodical
- Definition: orderly or systematic in thought or behavior
- Synonyms: efficient, meticulous, orderly
- Example: Trent was so calm and methodical during the whole business.
4. Mode
- Definition: a way of operating or behaving
- Synonyms: manner, fashion, technique
- Example: Orange Cassidy was in full competitive mode last night.
5. Merit
- Definition: the quality of being good and deserving praise
- Synonyms: distinction, excellence, grace
- Example: George Yule’s book has the merit of being both informative and readable.
6. Multitasking
- Definition: a person’s ability to do more than one thing at a time
- Synonyms: managing, cross-functioning
- Example: Babar is very good at multitasking.
7. Meticulous
- Definition: very careful and with great attention to every detail
- Synonyms: accurate, fastidious, precise
- Example: Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.
8. Masterpiece
- Definition: a work of art that is made with great skill
- Synonyms: classic, gem, treasure
- Example: Leonardo’s new book is being hailed as a masterpiece.
9. Multitalented
- Definition: having many skills or talents
- Synonyms: capable, gifted
- Example: Joey is a multitalented musician and songwriter.
10. Managerial
- Definition: relating to a manager or management
- Synonyms: administrative, directorial, ministerial
- Example: Ahmed has also had managerial experience on every level.
Positive Words That Start with M – Full List (285 Words)
The list of positive words that start with M provided below includes all of the positive words described above and more. This list will assist you in reviewing all of the positive words beginning with M that you have learned in this article.
- Moral
- Motivating
- Mellifluos
- Monastic
- Maximize
- Mass
- Meliorate
- Marriage
- Manager
- Moreish
- Merrymaking
- Metier
- Mosey
- Mirthful
- Moment
- Mild-mannered
- Maneuver
- Magnificence
- Mainstay
- Mobility
- Marvel
- Modernistic
- Manage
- Moneyspinner
- Monumental
- Motherly
- Marvelled
- Meditative
- Million
- Mogul
- Merit
- Morality
- Metaphysical
- Multitude
- Monotheistic
- Messianic
- Multidimensional
- Magnanimity
- Married
- Mitigative
- Meritorious
- Meander
- Maturity
- Ministerial
- Meticulous
- Magnificent
- Mumsy
- Momentous
- Moppet
- Mastery
- Multitasking
- Most
- Magnify
- Major
- Moisturize
- Meritocracy
- Mondaine
- Multidisciplined
- Multifaceted
- Manners
- Marked
- Mitigatory
- Medallist
- Masterpiece
- Moony
- Masterwork
- Maximal
- Melodious
- Matter
- Mesmerizing
- Many
- Mint
- Malleable
- Made
- Menagerie
- Muliebrity
- Marvellously
- Mildmannered
- Memorabilia
- Majestically
- Massage
- Monumentally
- Music
- Mightily
- Mandatory
- Meditate
- Moving
- Mesmerized
- Memorial
- Megastar
- Methodical
- Multi-purpose
- Muster
- Maidenly
- Maturely
- Mutate
- Mitigate
- Manoeuvrable
- Mascot
- Meritable
- Mensch
- Measured
- Massive
- Matchmaker
- Miracle
- Magnanimously
- Magical
- Mondo
- Massively
- Mediate
- Meet
- Miraculousness
- Meed
- Magnate
- Make
- Magnitude
- Modern
- Mature
- Mettle
- Manly
- Merriness
- Mellifluous
- Meekness
- Mouthwatering
- Moralize
- Mixer
- Mercifully
- Munificence
- Muscular
- Magniloquent
- Manna
- Mercy
- Muscle
- Motif
- Mobile
- Mingle
- Melody
- Mouth-watering
- Mindfulness
- Masterfully
- Marvelously
- Mirth
- Makeover
- Melt
- Magnetic
- Mateship
- Much
- Mettlesome
- Marvellous
- Matey
- Mutual
- Mind-blowing
- Maiden
- Magic
- Merciful
- Masculinity
- Manner
- Marvelousness
- Momentum
- Marshal
- Might
- Mores
- Mentor
- More
- Mahalo
- Master
- Manifold
- Modesty
- Mediation
- Maid
- Maintain
- Mucho
- Main
- Mandate
- Move
- Miraculous
- Mighty
- Motor
- Manageable
- Mild
- Modestly
- Muse
- Mellow
- Merriment
- Mutuality
- Motivation
- Masterful
- Moved
- Mim
- Model
- Medicinal
- Miscellany
- Marvelous
- Meditation
- Medication
- Mesmerizingly
- Merry
- Matchless
- Musician
- Majestic
- Moralist
- Method
- Modish
- Maneuverable
- Medallion
- Mindful
- Mediator
- Melodic
- Medicine
- Makeup
- Maverick
- Morale
- Mama
- Messiah
- Meteoric
- Miraculously
- Merger
- Moneymaker
- Myriad
- Medal
- Mojo
- Movement
- Mention
- May
- Masterstroke
- Mode
- Moxie
- Maturing
- Multifarious
- Mystical
- Mammoth
- Maestro
- Merrily
- Magnanimous
- Magnetism
- Motto
- Majesty
- Matrimony
- Meaning
- Magnificently
- Maestoso
- Modest
- Magi
- Magnifico
- Managerial
- Mega
- Multitalented
- Memorable
- Mate
- Magnet
- Must
- Mastermind
- Musical
- Memento
- Malapropism
- Motivational
- Maternal
- Mannerly
- Masterly
- Meticulously
- Masculine
- Mystique
- Manifest
- Memory
- Mutually
- Manliness
- Marital
- Modiste
- Marvels
- Motivated
- Munificent
- Marry
- Mission
- Mesmerize
- Maximum
- Meaningful
- Meek
- Mantra
- Minikin
- Maven
- Motivate
- Majorly
- Multitask
- Madam
- Moneyed
Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with M
Thank you for going through this article. Hopefully you would have learned some new positive words that start with M. You would have certainly heard the saying “actions speak louder than words” but this isn’t always the case. We all have the ability to influence others by the words we use.
While talking to our parents, respectable teachers, or our companions, we always try to go for positive words that also possess a softer tone. The reason is that positive words have a soothing effect upon people and they help spread positivity, especially positive words that start with M.
These positive words starting with M will bring a positive change in your life as well the lives of others in your vicinity. After you’ve finished reading this article, you might want to look up some more positive words beginning with M. This will help your understanding of positive words even further and will also improve your public self-image.