The 5 letter words that start with H can be incredibly versatile and useful for fans of word games such as Scrabble, Wordle, and more.
According to renowned lexicographer Dr. Judith Miller, “words provide us with a way of understanding the world around us, and by learning new words we can learn to appreciate nuances in language.”
That being said, some of the most popular five letter words beginning with the letter H are perfect to enhance your vocabulary.
As such, if you are looking for a leg-up against your opponents or just want to brush up on your vocabulary skills – these words could be the perfect place to start!
5 Letter Words That Start with H for Scrabble
Kickstart your next Scrabble game with this list of 5 letter words that start with H – they might just give you the edge needed to score more points and come out on top!
haafs11 | haars8 | habit10 |
hable10 | habus10 | hacek14 |
hacks14 | hadal9 | haded10 |
hades9 | hadji16 | hadst9 |
haems10 | haets8 | haffs14 |
hafiz20 | hafts11 | haggs10 |
hahas11 | haick14 | haika12 |
haiks12 | haiku12 | hails8 |
haily11 | hains8 | haint8 |
hairs8 | hairy11 | haith11 |
hajes15 | hajis15 | hajji22 |
hakam14 | hakas12 | hakea12 |
hakes12 | hakim14 | hakus12 |
halal8 | haled9 | haler8 |
hales8 | halfa11 | halfs11 |
halid9 | hallo8 | halls8 |
halma10 | halms10 | halon8 |
halos8 | halse8 | halts8 |
halva11 | halve11 | halwa11 |
hamal10 | hamba12 | hamed11 |
hames10 | hammy15 | hamza19 |
hanap10 | hance10 | hanch13 |
hands9 | handy12 | hangi9 |
hangs9 | hanks12 | hanky15 |
hansa8 | hanse8 | hants8 |
haole8 | haoma10 | hapax17 |
haply13 | happi12 | happy15 |
hapus10 | haram10 | hards9 |
hardy12 | hared9 | hares8 |
harim10 | harks12 | harls8 |
harms10 | harns8 | haros8 |
harps10 | harpy13 | harry11 |
harsh11 | harts8 | hashy14 |
hasks12 | hasps10 | hasta8 |
haste8 | hasty11 | hatch13 |
hated9 | hater8 | hates8 |
hatha11 | hauds9 | haufs11 |
haugh12 | hauld9 | haulm10 |
hauls8 | hault8 | hauns8 |
haunt8 | hause8 | haute8 |
haven11 | haver11 | haves11 |
havoc13 | hawed12 | hawks15 |
hawms13 | hawse11 | hayed12 |
hayer11 | hayey14 | hayle11 |
hazan17 | hazed18 | hazel17 |
hazer17 | hazes17 | heads9 |
heady12 | heald9 | heals8 |
heame10 | heaps10 | heapy13 |
heard9 | heare8 | hears8 |
heart8 | heast8 | heath11 |
heats8 | heave11 | heavy14 |
heben10 | hebes10 | hecht13 |
hecks14 | heder9 | hedge10 |
hedgy13 | heeds9 | heedy12 |
heels8 | heeze17 | hefte11 |
hefts11 | hefty14 | heids9 |
heigh12 | heils8 | heirs8 |
heist8 | hejab17 | hejra15 |
heled9 | heles8 | helio8 |
helix15 | hello8 | hells8 |
helms10 | helos8 | helot8 |
helps10 | helve11 | hemal10 |
hemes10 | hemic12 | hemin10 |
hemps12 | hempy15 | hence10 |
hench13 | hends9 | henge9 |
henna8 | henny11 | henry11 |
hents8 | hepar10 | herbs10 |
herby13 | herds9 | heres8 |
herls8 | herma10 | herms10 |
herns8 | heron8 | heros8 |
herry11 | herse8 | hertz17 |
herye11 | hesps10 | hests8 |
hetes8 | heths11 | heuch13 |
heugh12 | hevea11 | hewed12 |
hewer11 | hewgh15 | hexad16 |
hexed16 | hexer15 | hexes15 |
hexyl18 | heyed12 | hiant8 |
hicks14 | hided10 | hider9 |
hides9 | hiems10 | highs12 |
hight12 | hijab17 | hijra15 |
hiked13 | hiker12 | hikes12 |
hikoi12 | hilar8 | hilch13 |
hillo8 | hills8 | hilly11 |
hilts8 | hilum10 | hilus8 |
himbo12 | hinau8 | hinds9 |
hinge9 | hings9 | hinky15 |
hinny11 | hints8 | hiois8 |
hiply13 | hippo12 | hippy15 |
hired9 | hiree8 | hirer8 |
hires8 | hissy11 | hists8 |
hitch13 | hithe11 | hived12 |
hiver11 | hives11 | hizen17 |
hoaed9 | hoagy12 | hoard9 |
hoars8 | hoary11 | hoast8 |
hobby15 | hobos10 | hocks14 |
hocus10 | hodad10 | hodja16 |
hoers8 | hogan9 | hogen9 |
hoggs10 | hoghs12 | hohed12 |
hoick14 | hoied9 | hoiks12 |
hoing9 | hoise8 | hoist8 |
hokas12 | hoked13 | hokes12 |
hokey15 | hokis12 | hokku16 |
hokum14 | holds9 | holed9 |
holes8 | holey11 | holks12 |
holla8 | hollo8 | holly11 |
holme10 | holms10 | holon8 |
holos8 | holts8 | homas10 |
homed11 | homer10 | homes10 |
homey13 | homie10 | homme12 |
homos10 | honan8 | honda9 |
honds9 | honed9 | honer8 |
hones8 | honey11 | hongi9 |
hongs9 | honks12 | honor8 |
hooch13 | hoods9 | hoody12 |
hooey11 | hoofs11 | hooka12 |
hooks12 | hooky15 | hooly11 |
hoons8 | hoops10 | hoord9 |
hoors8 | hoosh11 | hoots8 |
hooty11 | hoove11 | hopak14 |
hoped11 | hoper10 | hopes10 |
hoppy15 | horah11 | horal8 |
horas8 | horde9 | horis8 |
horks12 | horme10 | horns8 |
horny11 | horse8 | horst8 |
horsy11 | hosed9 | hosel8 |
hosen8 | hoses8 | hosey11 |
hosta8 | hosts8 | hotch13 |
hotel8 | hoten8 | hotly11 |
hotty11 | houff14 | houfs11 |
hough12 | hound9 | houri8 |
hours8 | house8 | houts8 |
hovea11 | hoved12 | hovel11 |
hoven11 | hover11 | hoves11 |
howbe13 | howdy15 | howes11 |
howff17 | howfs14 | howks15 |
howls11 | howre11 | howso11 |
hoxed16 | hoxes15 | hoyas11 |
hoyed12 | hoyle11 | hubby15 |
hucks14 | hudna9 | hudud10 |
huers8 | huffs14 | huffy17 |
huger9 | huggy13 | huhus11 |
huias8 | hulas8 | hules8 |
hulks12 | hulky15 | hullo8 |
hulls8 | hully11 | human10 |
humas10 | humfs13 | humic12 |
humid11 | humor10 | humph15 |
humps12 | humpy15 | humus10 |
hunch13 | hunks12 | hunky15 |
hunts8 | hurds9 | hurls8 |
hurly11 | hurra8 | hurry11 |
hurst8 | hurts8 | hushy14 |
husks12 | husky15 | husos8 |
hutch13 | hutia8 | huzza26 |
huzzy29 | hwyls14 | hydra12 |
hydro12 | hyena11 | hyens11 |
hygge13 | hying12 | hykes15 |
hylas11 | hyleg12 | hyles11 |
hylic13 | hymen13 | hymns13 |
hynde12 | hyoid12 | hyped14 |
hyper13 | hypes13 | hypha16 |
hyphy19 | hypos13 | hyrax18 |
hyson11 | hythe14 |
Valid 5 Letter Words That Start with H for Wordle
Hooray for H-words! These 5 letter words starting with H are just what you need to get your creativity flowing and take the top spot in wordle!
haafs | haars | habit |
hable | habus | hacek |
hacks | hadal | haded |
hades | hadji | hadst |
haems | haets | haffs |
hafiz | hafts | haggs |
hahas | haick | haika |
haiks | haiku | hails |
haily | hains | haint |
hairs | hairy | haith |
hajes | hajis | hajji |
hakam | hakas | hakea |
hakes | hakim | hakus |
halal | haled | haler |
hales | halfa | halfs |
halid | hallo | halls |
halma | halms | halon |
halos | halse | halts |
halva | halve | halwa |
hamal | hamba | hamed |
hames | hammy | hamza |
hanap | hance | hanch |
hands | handy | hangi |
hangs | hanks | hanky |
hansa | hanse | hants |
haole | haoma | hapax |
haply | happi | happy |
hapus | haram | hards |
hardy | hared | hares |
harim | harks | harls |
harms | harns | haros |
harps | harpy | harry |
harsh | harts | hashy |
hasks | hasps | hasta |
haste | hasty | hatch |
hated | hater | hates |
hatha | hauds | haufs |
haugh | hauld | haulm |
hauls | hault | hauns |
haunt | hause | haute |
haven | haver | haves |
havoc | hawed | hawks |
hawms | hawse | hayed |
hayer | hayey | hayle |
hazan | hazed | hazel |
hazer | hazes | heads |
heady | heald | heals |
heame | heaps | heapy |
heard | heare | hears |
heart | heast | heath |
heats | heave | heavy |
heben | hebes | hecht |
hecks | heder | hedge |
hedgy | heeds | heedy |
heels | heeze | hefte |
hefts | hefty | heids |
heigh | heils | heirs |
heist | hejab | hejra |
heled | heles | helio |
helix | hello | hells |
helms | helos | helot |
helps | helve | hemal |
hemes | hemic | hemin |
hemps | hempy | hence |
hench | hends | henge |
henna | henny | henry |
hents | hepar | herbs |
herby | herds | heres |
herls | herma | herms |
herns | heron | heros |
herry | herse | hertz |
herye | hesps | hests |
hetes | heths | heuch |
heugh | hevea | hewed |
hewer | hewgh | hexad |
hexed | hexer | hexes |
hexyl | heyed | hiant |
hicks | hided | hider |
hides | hiems | highs |
hight | hijab | hijra |
hiked | hiker | hikes |
hikoi | hilar | hilch |
hillo | hills | hilly |
hilts | hilum | hilus |
himbo | hinau | hinds |
hinge | hings | hinky |
hinny | hints | hiois |
hiply | hippo | hippy |
hired | hiree | hirer |
hires | hissy | hists |
hitch | hithe | hived |
hiver | hives | hizen |
hoaed | hoagy | hoard |
hoars | hoary | hoast |
hobby | hobos | hocks |
hocus | hodad | hodja |
hoers | hogan | hogen |
hoggs | hoghs | hohed |
hoick | hoied | hoiks |
hoing | hoise | hoist |
hokas | hoked | hokes |
hokey | hokis | hokku |
hokum | holds | holed |
holes | holey | holks |
holla | hollo | holly |
holme | holms | holon |
holos | holts | homas |
homed | homer | homes |
homey | homie | homme |
homos | honan | honda |
honds | honed | honer |
hones | honey | hongi |
hongs | honks | honor |
hooch | hoods | hoody |
hooey | hoofs | hooka |
hooks | hooky | hooly |
hoons | hoops | hoord |
hoors | hoosh | hoots |
hooty | hoove | hopak |
hoped | hoper | hopes |
hoppy | horah | horal |
horas | horde | horis |
horks | horme | horns |
horny | horse | horst |
horsy | hosed | hosel |
hosen | hoses | hosey |
hosta | hosts | hotch |
hotel | hoten | hotly |
hotty | houff | houfs |
hough | hound | houri |
hours | house | houts |
hovea | hoved | hovel |
hoven | hover | hoves |
howbe | howdy | howes |
howff | howfs | howks |
howls | howre | howso |
hoxed | hoxes | hoyas |
hoyed | hoyle | hubby |
hucks | hudna | hudud |
huers | huffs | huffy |
huger | huggy | huhus |
huias | hulas | hules |
hulks | hulky | hullo |
hulls | hully | human |
humas | humfs | humic |
humid | humor | humph |
humps | humpy | humus |
hunch | hunks | hunky |
hunts | hurds | hurls |
hurly | hurra | hurry |
hurst | hurts | hushy |
husks | husky | husos |
hutch | hutia | huzza |
huzzy | hwyls | hydra |
hydro | hyena | hyens |
hygge | hying | hykes |
hylas | hyleg | hyles |
hylic | hymen | hymns |
hynde | hyoid | hyped |
hyper | hypes | hypha |
hyphy | hypos | hyrax |
hyson | hythe |
5 Letter Words That Start with H for Words with Friends
Looking for a few letters to secure victory in your next Words with Friends? These fabulous 5 letter words beginning with H can help you score big and be the perfect inspiration!
haafs10 | haars7 | habit10 |
habus11 | hacek14 | hacks14 |
hadal9 | haded9 | hades8 |
hadji17 | hadst8 | haems10 |
haets7 | hafis10 | hafiz19 |
hafts10 | hahas9 | haika11 |
haiks11 | haiku12 | hails8 |
hairs7 | hairy9 | hajes16 |
hajis16 | hajji25 | hakes11 |
hakim14 | haled9 | haler8 |
hales8 | halid9 | hallo9 |
halls9 | halma11 | halms11 |
halos8 | halts8 | halva12 |
halve12 | hamal11 | hames10 |
hammy15 | hamza19 | hance11 |
hands9 | handy11 | hangs10 |
hanks12 | hanky14 | hansa8 |
hanse8 | hants8 | haole8 |
hapax17 | haply13 | happy15 |
hards8 | hardy10 | hared8 |
harem10 | hares7 | harks11 |
harls8 | harms10 | harps10 |
harpy12 | harry9 | harsh9 |
harts7 | hasps10 | haste7 |
hasty9 | hatch12 | hated8 |
hater7 | hates7 | haugh12 |
haulm12 | hauls9 | haunt9 |
haute8 | haven12 | haver11 |
haves11 | havoc14 | hawed11 |
hawks14 | hawse10 | hayed10 |
hayer9 | hazan17 | hazed17 |
hazel17 | hazer16 | hazes16 |
heads8 | heady10 | heals8 |
heaps10 | heard8 | hears7 |
heart7 | heath9 | heats7 |
heave11 | heavy13 | hebes10 |
hecks14 | heder8 | hedge10 |
hedgy12 | heeds8 | heels8 |
heeze16 | hefts10 | hefty12 |
heigh11 | heils8 | heirs7 |
heist7 | helio8 | helix15 |
hello9 | hells9 | helms11 |
helos8 | helot8 | helps11 |
helve12 | hemal11 | hemes10 |
hemic13 | hemin11 | hemps13 |
hempy15 | hence11 | henna9 |
henry10 | hents8 | herbs10 |
herby12 | herds8 | heres7 |
herls8 | herma10 | herms10 |
herns8 | heron8 | heros7 |
herry9 | hertz16 | hests7 |
heths9 | heuch13 | heugh12 |
hewed11 | hewer10 | hexad15 |
hexed15 | hexer14 | hexes14 |
hexyl17 | hicks14 | hided9 |
hider8 | hides8 | highs11 |
hight11 | hiked12 | hiker11 |
hikes11 | hilar8 | hillo9 |
hills9 | hilly11 | hilts8 |
hilum12 | hilus9 | hinds9 |
hinge10 | hinny11 | hints8 |
hippo13 | hippy15 | hired8 |
hirer7 | hires7 | hissy9 |
hists7 | hitch12 | hived12 |
hives11 | hoagy11 | hoard8 |
hoars7 | hoary9 | hobby15 |
hobos10 | hocks14 | hocus11 |
hodad9 | hoers7 | hogan10 |
hoggs11 | hoick14 | hoise7 |
hoist7 | hoked12 | hokes11 |
hokey13 | hokku16 | hokum15 |
holds9 | holed9 | holes8 |
holey10 | holks12 | holla9 |
hollo9 | holly11 | holms11 |
holts8 | homed11 | homer10 |
homes10 | homey12 | homos10 |
honan9 | honda9 | honed9 |
honer8 | hones8 | honey10 |
hongs10 | honks12 | honky14 |
honor8 | hooch12 | hoods8 |
hoody10 | hooey9 | hoofs10 |
hooka11 | hooks11 | hooky13 |
hooly10 | hoops10 | hoots7 |
hooty9 | hoped11 | hoper10 |
hopes10 | hoppy15 | horah9 |
horal8 | horas7 | horde8 |
horns8 | horny10 | horse7 |
horst7 | horsy9 | hosed8 |
hosel8 | hosen8 | hoses7 |
hosta7 | hosts7 | hotch12 |
hotel8 | hotly10 | hound10 |
houri8 | hours8 | house8 |
hovel12 | hover11 | howdy13 |
howes10 | howff16 | howfs13 |
howks14 | howls11 | hoyas9 |
hoyle10 | hubby16 | hucks15 |
huffs14 | huffy16 | huger10 |
hulas9 | hulks13 | hulky15 |
hullo10 | hulls10 | human12 |
humic14 | humid12 | humor11 |
humph16 | humps14 | humpy16 |
humus12 | hunch14 | hunks13 |
hunky15 | hunts9 | hurds9 |
hurls9 | hurly11 | hurry10 |
hurst8 | hurts8 | husks12 |
husky14 | hussy10 | hutch13 |
huzza26 | hydra10 | hydro10 |
hyena10 | hying12 | hylas10 |
hymen13 | hymns13 | hyoid10 |
hyped13 | hyper12 | hypes12 |
hypha14 | hypos12 | hyrax16 |
hyson10 |
More 5 Letter Words (A to Z)
We’ve got plenty of cool 5 letter words beginning with the letter ‘H’, but don’t stop there! Click through our alphabet list to discover even more awesome 5-letter options.
Final Thoughts
Scrabble and other similar word games are a fantastic way to test your mind, improve your cognitive skills, and have fun with friends or family.
We hope this list of five-letter words starting with H will help you get ahead in the game of Scrabble, Wordle and any other word game and score some big points.
If we missed any good words, please let us know in the comments section below and we’ll add them to the list!
Happy gaming!