103 Adjectives That Start with Q | Huge List with Definitions and Examples


Adjectives that start with Q will start you on the path of customizing your communication style to be more vivid, visual, and appealing to the reader’s senses of vision, smell, touch, and taste. These descriptive words that start with Q also take a leading role in manifesting the sentiments and passion which we experience about people, places, and things that we think the world of.

More than often, we are enjoined to express ourselves through writing, for instance, the first phase of the recruitment process is crafting a professional CV, after research, we must transfigure our findings into a well-written and organized report. So, it is consequential to consider the nouns, verbs, and adjectives beginning with Q or other letters which we choose to express ourselves.

Even a mind boggling-idea needs adjectives to transform it into something that can be acknowledged and recognized by the target audience. Use these adjectives that start with Q to not only sell your ideas but also your experience that will inspire and energize people. So, let’s read on to learn some nifty and rewarding adjectives that start with Q.

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Adjectives That Start with Q You Always Use

Our environment has a profound effect on what we do and how we do it. What’s more, it also influences the words we choose to talk in routine. Let’s look at few such adjectives starting with Q.

1. Quadratic

  • Definition: involving the second power of an unknown variable as the highest degree of equation
  • Synonyms: second power, square
  • Example: He is solving some quadratic equations.

2. Quadrilateral

  • Definition: a shape with four straight sides
  • Synonyms: quadrilateral, rectangular, oblong, right-angled
  • Example: A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides.

3. Quarterly

  • Definition: something that is done or occurs every quarter of the year
  • Synonyms: periodically, once every three months, once a quarter, regularly
  • Example: Clients normally generate a check for quarterly payments.

4. Quasi

  • Definition: having some similarity due to possession of certain features
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: As more individuals acquire these teachings as quasi religions, some adherents say their belief systems are same as those based on that older collection of maxims.

5. Queen-size

  • Definition: having dimensions of approximately 60 by 80 inches
  • Synonyms: family size, giant size, king size
  • Example: We were not able to find a queen-size sheet.

6. Questionable

  • Definition: doubtful in regards to being true or valid
  • Synonyms: controversial, contentious, open to question, open to doubt
  • Example: He behaved in a questionable manner towards her.

7. Questioning

  • Definition: asking questions or taking interest in learning
  • Synonyms: cross-examine, cross-question, interrogate, quiz
  • Example: He had some questioning remarks about the lecture.

8. Quick-tempered

  • Definition: someone who gets emotional or angry very easily
  • Synonyms: irritable, irascible, hot-tempered, short-tempered
  • Example: My father was quick-tempered and often drunk.

Adjectives That Start with Q You Usually Use

Adjectives essentially function as a modifier so that the end-user can picture what is being communicated. Owing to their importance some adjectives that start with the letter Q are habitually used. Let’s take a look.

1. Quantitative

  • Definition: relating to or a measure of quantity of something under consideration instead of its quality
  • Synonyms: numerical, computable, measurable, calculable
  • Example: We need to do a proper quantitative analysis of this problem.

2. Quiet-some

  • Definition: being quiet or producing peaceful feelings
  • Synonyms: still, calm, quiet, peaceful
  • Example: Despite appearing dazed and quiet-some, Reid says he’s fine.

3. Quick-acting

  • Definition: to quickly react or take effect
  • Synonyms: abrupt, immediate, instantaneous, rapid
  • Example: This is a very powerful and quick-acting chemical.

4. Quick-drying

  • Definition: a liquid substance that immediately or very quickly evaporates and dries
  • Synonyms: fast-drying, hard-wearing, fast-dry, water-resistant
  • Example: She bought two different colors of quick-drying nail polish.

5. Quick-minded

  • Definition: being alert and quick to respond
  • Synonyms: alert, brainy, quick-witted, brilliant
  • Example: Gillespie was a quick-minded fella with an endless flow of ideas.

6. Quick-paced

  • Definition: something that happens very quickly
  • Synonyms: fast-paced, apace, hurriedly, expeditiously
  • Example: Not everyone struggles with the quick-paced evolution of information technology.

7. Quick-thinking

  • Definition: ability to think and make suitable decisions quickly and effectively
  • Synonyms: alert, astute, perceptive, quick, shrewd
  • Example: We need a quick-thinking, cool-headed person for the job.

8. Quotable

  • Definition: a saying that is worthy and suitable to be quoted
  • Synonyms: notable, noteworthy, observable, remarkable
  • Example: Songwriters are another good source of quotable lines.

9. Quantifiable

  • Definition: something that could be measured or expressed as a quantity
  • Synonyms: perceptible, significant, quantitative, measurable
  • Example: He enlisted all the quantifiable data available in the file.

Adjectives That Start with Q You Often Use

It’s important to use the 80/20 principle when you want to accomplish things at breakneck speed. This principle also holds when learning these adjectives with letter Q since only 20% of these adjectives are habitually used in daily routines. We might also use these adjectives that start with Q for a person and detailed description.

1. Quondam

  • Definition: something that existed before the present time or in the past
  • Synonyms: one-time, erstwhile, late, as was
  • Example: These quondam rulers of France have had a bad reputation abroad.

2. Quartzose

  • Definition: something that is mainly composed of or having rich quantities of quartz material
  • Synonyms: rose quartz, quartz, quartzite, quartz lamp
  • Example: He discovered a huge chunk of quartzose sandstone.

3. Quenchless

  • Definition: a thirst for something that cannot be satisfied or subdued
  • Synonyms: inextinguishable, insatiable, inappeasable, unslakable
  • Example: He has a quenchless thirst for passionate love.

4. Quits

  • Definition: being on equal terms because of some debt or loan being settled
  • Synonyms: square, even
  • Example: After the last payment, I think we’re just about quits now.

5. Quartzy

  • Definition: rich in quartz
  • Synonyms: resembling quartz, of the nature of quartz
  • Example: They have a beautiful quartzy vase in their house.

6. Quercine

  • Definition: resembling oak or oak trees
  • Synonyms: consisting of oak, relating to oak
  • Example: The hardwood had a quercine quality.

Adjectives That Start with Q You Sometimes Use

Among million words present in English literature some are used less frequently than others. So, let’s read on to see learn some juicy describing words beginning with Q.

1. Quadrangular

  • Definition: an object or enclosed shape with four sides
  • Synonyms: rectangular, quadrilateral, angular, square
  • Example: He had a special quadrangular cake made for his birthday instead of a circular one.

2. Quadruple

  • Definition: something that has total of four parts of components
  • Synonyms: four-fold, quadruplex, multiple, quadruplicate
  • Example: He was suspected of a quadruple murder.

3. Quadruplex

  • Definition: a telegraphy system that enables four messages (two in each direction) to be sent at the same time over a wire
  • Synonyms: quadruple, multiple, quadruplicate
  • Example: Edison was at the fair with his quadruplex telegraph, which transmitted several messages at once.

4. Quaggy

  • Definition: resembling a marshy or boggy soft appearance
  • Synonyms: marshy, boggy, quagmire, flabby
  • Example: A new bridge over the Quaggy River was built in 2003.

5. Queasy

  • Definition: feelings of nauseousness or sickness
  • Synonyms: nauseous, nauseated, bilious, sick
  • Example: I started to feel queasy as soon as the boat left the harbor.

6. Quincentennial

  • Definition: a 500th-year anniversary of an event
  • Synonyms: quincentenary
  • Example: This collection honors Christopher Columbus’ 500 years (1492-1992) Quincentennial celebration.

7. Quadraphonic

  • Definition: a transmission or signal transmitted through for different channels
  • Synonyms: quadra-sonic, quadriphonic
  • Example: The film begins with a chaotic soundscape of voices and percussion on quadraphonic tape.

8. Qualmish

  • Definition: developing feeling of qualms or nauseated
  • Synonyms: nauseated, irritated, qualm, uncomfortable
  • Example: I was feeling qualmish today.

Adjectives That Start with Q You Occasionally Use

Since these are not the adjective words that start with Q which we use in our day-to-day life, it is very easy to use them inappropriately. So, make sure to carefully go through definitions and examples.

1. Qabalistic

  • Definition: an object or script having hidden or secret meaning
  • Synonyms: cabalistic, cryptic, cryptical, kabbalistic
  • Example: Many of these scripts can be understood only by using various literal qabalistic techniques such as gematria.

2. Quadruplicate

  • Definition: containing four identical copies or parts
  • Synonyms: quadruple, quadruplex, four-fold
  • Example: This contract shall be valid upon signing in quadruplicate, two copies for each party.

3. Quaternary

  • Definition: being number 4th in ranking or the line-up
  • Synonyms: four, foursome, quadruplet, quartet
  • Example: He was quaternary in the King’s guard.

4. Queenlike

  • Definition: having stature or ranking worthy of or befitting a queen
  • Synonyms: noble, august, exalted, queenly
  • Example: She is a queenlike lady in a gorgeous dress.

5. Quilted

  • Definition: clothing comprised of two layers filled with padding and stitched together
  • Synonyms: duvet, continental quilt, double layered, counterpane
  • Example: He was wearing a nice quilted jacket.

6. Quinquefoliate

  • Definition: a plant of flower with five leaflets
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: Have you ever seen a quinquefoliate.

7. Quintuple

  • Definition: something that has total of five parts of components
  • Synonyms: five-fold, multiple, quintuplicate
  • Example: He recently had a quintuple bypass operation.

8. Quotidian

  • Definition: something that occurs every day or daily basis
  • Synonyms: daily, every day, day-to-day
  • Example: Television has become part of our quotidian existence.

9. Quebecois

  • Definition: related to Quebec or its native people
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: He became the Quebecois leader last week.

Adjectives That Start with Q You Seldom Use

In a business environment, it is quite common to use certain slangs and unique words which make them appear more confident and formal. Let’s have a look at a few such Q adjectives.

1. Quechuan

  • Definition: people that speak the Quechua language
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: During this time, he published articles and learned Quechuan languages.

2. Quiescent

  • Definition: being inactive or in a state of dormancy
  • Synonyms: inactive, inert, latent, fallow
  • Example: This is a quiescent Southern seaside town.

3. Quaternate

  • Definition: consisting of four parts or arranged in sets of four
  • Synonyms: quaternary, tetrad, quadruple, quadruplicate
  • Example: It is a small shrub quaternate leaves, and many-flowered, pendant panicles.

4. Quadrisonic

  • Definition: related to quadrophony
  • Synonyms: (none)
  • Example: His quadrisonic sound system was amazing.

5. Quadripartite

  • Definition: consisting or comprised of four parts or components
  • Synonyms: quadrigeminal, quadripartite, quadrivial, quadrupal
  • Example: The church had a beautiful design with series of quadripartite vaults.

6. Quantal

  • Definition: composed of discrete units that change variably rather than continuously
  • Synonyms: quantized
  • Example: They subjected the material to a quantal release of neurotransmitters for further analysis.

7. Quartan

  • Definition: mild form of malaria which causes a recurring fever
  • Synonyms: chills, fever, ague
  • Example: Hartung believed that he was suffering from quartan malaria.

8. Quartziferous

  • Definition: a material containing quartz in its composition
  • Synonyms: quartz, quartzose
  • Example: At the base of the deposit, we found some quartziferous stones.

Positive Adjectives That Start with Q

If you are aiming to develop a vigorous lexicon that will not only help you communicate but win people with your words then this list of adjectives that start with Q will pave the way for you. These positive adjectives that start with Q will bring a pleasant and confident tone to your style.

1. Qualified

  • Definition: someone who has been properly trained to perform a particular job or work
  • Synonyms: certified, chartered, licensed, professional
  • Example: He is a qualified doctor.

2. Qualitative

  • Definition: relating to the quality of something rather than its quantity
  • Synonyms: comparative, observational, phenomenological, methodology
  • Example: They are thinking about a qualitative change in the postgraduate curriculum.

3. Qualitied

  • Definition: someone that possess a number of qualities
  • Synonyms: of a standard, extraordinary, caliber
  • Example: He is a high-qualitied teacher, who’s respected by everyone.

4. Quality

  • Definition: something that is of high standard or good quality
  • Synonyms: standard, grade, exceptional, class
  • Example: He has always been the quality player of his team.

5. Queenly

  • Definition: having a stature or ranking worthy of or befitting a queen
  • Synonyms: noble, august, exalted, great
  • Example: She is a gorgeous lady with queenly manners.

6. Quemeful

  • Definition: a kind or merciful person
  • Synonyms: kind, peaceful, merciful, benevolent
  • Example: She is kind-hearted and quemeful.

7. Quick-sighted

  • Definition: someone with good and keen eyesight to quickly discern things
  • Synonyms: sharp-sighted, hawk-eyed, keen-sighted, lynx-eyed
  • Example: She has quick-sighted and skillful hands, and she is phenomenal at her job.

8. Quirky

  • Definition: possessing peculiar or unexpected traits or characteristics
  • Synonyms: eccentric, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual
  • Example: I like his quirky sense of humor.

9. Quintessential

  • Definition: representing a typical example of a class or someone’s quality
  • Synonyms: typical, prototypical, stereotypical, archetypal
  • Example: He was the quintessential tough guy and an excellent boxer.

10. Quick-witted

  • Definition: ability to quickly think or react effectively
  • Synonyms: alert, astute, perceptive, quick
  • Example: She was quick-witted and had an extraordinarily agile mind.

Adjectives That Start with Q to Describe a Person

Any tale can fail terribly if you don’t use the right adjectives that start with Q to describe a person especially the main characters. It’s essential that we employ these Q adjectives to describe a person so that they will leave a lasting and strong imprint on the reader’s mind.

1. Quarrelsome

  • Definition: having characteristic or behavior of quarreling
  • Synonyms: argumentative, disputatious, disputative, contentious
  • Example: He is a quarrelsome man and it gets even worse when he’s drunk.

2. Queer

  • Definition: having a strange or odd feeling or sensation
  • Synonyms: odd, strange, unusual, funny
  • Example: His behavior seemed queer and unusual.

3. Querulous

  • Definition: to complain about something in a whining manner
  • Synonyms: petulant, complaining, pettish, touchy
  • Example: He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.

4. Quiet

  • Definition: without making any sort of sound or noise
  • Synonyms: silent, still, hushed, noiseless
  • Example: He was a quiet, shy man.

5. Quixotic

  • Definition: someone who is extremely idealistic or impractical
  • Synonyms: idealistic, un-businesslike, visionary, utopian
  • Example: He had a quixotic view of government which wasn’t always appreciated.

6. Quizzical

  • Definition: a person’s expression indicating amused confusion about something
  • Synonyms: puzzled, perplexed, baffled, questioning
  • Example: He always has a quizzical expression on his face when he doesn’t understand something.

7. Quaint

  • Definition: being old-fashioned or someone who’s attractively unusual
  • Synonyms: picturesque, charming, sweet, attractive
  • Example: He has an odd but quaint sense of fashion.

8. Quick

  • Definition: to move or do something very fast or in a short time
  • Synonyms: fast, swift, rapid, speedy
  • Example: He has always been the type who is quick to judge.

Adjectives That Start with Q – Full List (103 Words)

Here is a complete list of adjectives that start with Q which we have discussed above and more. Make certain to use them to the best of your abilities. Happy learning!!

  • Questionable
  • Quadruplex
  • Quadrangular
  • Queenlike
  • Quantitative
  • Qualmish
  • Quick-Paced
  • Quartzy
  • Quick-Drying
  • Quadrillionth
  • Quaky
  • Qualifiable
  • Quilted
  • Quick-Sighted
  • Quartered
  • Quartzose
  • Quacky
  • Quade
  • Quantized
  • Quenched
  • Quavering
  • Qualitied
  • Quintillionth
  • Quartziferous
  • Quebecois
  • Quirky
  • Quadripartite
  • Quaggy
  • Quivered
  • Quemeful
  • Quiescent
  • Quizzical
  • Quixotic
  • Quotidian
  • Quicksilver
  • Quenchless
  • Quelled
  • Quivering
  • Queasy
  • Questionless
  • Quiddative
  • Quadrate
  • Quadrilateral
  • Quakerish
  • Questioning
  • Quick-Witted
  • Queenly
  • Quantal
  • Quiet-some
  • Quarrelsome
  • Quietsome
  • Qualitative
  • Quaternate
  • Quadratic
  • Quintuple
  • Quasi
  • Quick-Acting
  • Quadraphonic
  • Qabalistic
  • Quickset
  • Quarterly
  • Quirked
  • Quenchable
  • Quaint
  • Quiet
  • Quintessential
  • Quodlibetical
  • Quarantined
  • Qatari
  • Quantifiable
  • Querulous
  • Quinary
  • Quackish
  • Quondam
  • Quincentenary
  • Quincentennial
  • Queachy
  • Quadrisonic
  • Quechuan
  • Quibbling
  • Quadruplicate
  • Quarried
  • Quick-Tempered
  • Quaternary
  • Queen-size
  • Quality
  • Qualified
  • Quartan
  • Quercine
  • Quinquefoliate
  • Quadriphonic
  • Quits
  • Quotable
  • Queen-like
  • Quick-Minded
  • Quadruple
  • Quick-Thinking
  • Quadruped
  • Quaquaversal
  • Quadrasonic
  • Quebecoise
  • Queer
  • Quick

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with Q

We are hopeful that this list of adjectives that start with Q will open a lot of new avenues for you to consider especially while writing. Another claim to fame of these adjectives starting with Q is that they allow us to keep our statements concise yet detailed.

Words especially adjectives bring great power to our sentences, which means we can use these adjectives that start with Q to our advantage but they can be equally harmful as well. In short, words are free to use but it’s how we use them that can cost us.

So always be mindful of what words you choose to express yourself since their meaning solidifies the perception that molds our beliefs and goals. But don’t limit yourself to these descriptive words that start with Q, here is a list of nouns, verbs, and positive words to help you go beyond.