Thinning Edges: What to Do


Edges are a problem that usually occurs when your hair has been thinning. The first thing you should do if your edges are thinning is figure out the cause of the problem, which could be any number of things from stress to hormonal issues to even thyroid problems. Once you know what’s causing the issue, you can decide on the best way to fix it and keep it from getting worse.

When your hair starts to thin

If you notice your hair is thinning, don’t panic! Thinning hair is a common issue, and there are a number of things you can do to address it. First, take a look at your diet and make sure you’re getting enough protein and vitamins. Second, try using a volumizing shampoo and conditioner. You may also want to use a boar bristle brush to help distribute your natural oils. Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on your hair. You may not feel the strain on your scalp, but tight updos such as buns, braids, and ponytails can have an impact on your edges. Reducing stress in your life as much as possible can also help with hair loss. Finally, see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Get a proper diagnosis

If you suspect you have a medical condition that’s causing your thinning edges, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis from a doctor or dermatologist. conditions like alopecia and lupus can cause hair loss, and only a professional can give you the right diagnosis and treatment plan. Once diagnosed, you’ll be able to find the best solution for your specific needs. The good news is there are many options available for treating thinning edges!

Look into other possibilities

Our identity. So what do you do when your edges start thinning? The first thing you should do is take a break from heat styling. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean never blow drying or straightening again! Simply go for more natural looks until the hair starts to thicken up again. Use oils on your scalp in between washings, which will promote growth by feeding nutrients directly to the roots. You could also consider adding in some deep conditioning treatments every week or two; not only will this make your hair shinier and softer but also fuller as well!

Treatments you can do at home

If you’re concerned about thinning edges, there are a few treatments you can do at home to help improve the appearance of your hair. First, try massaging your scalp with a mixture of olive oil and rosemary essential oil. This will help stimulate blood flow to the area and promote hair growth. You can also try applying a weekly protein treatment to your hair. This will help strengthen your strands and prevent further breakage. Finally, be sure to protect your hair when styling it. Use gentle products and avoid excessive heat exposure to prevent further damage.

Things your stylist can do for you

If you’re struggling with thinning edges, there are a few things your stylist can do to help. First, they can give you a consultation to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action. They can also recommend products that can help promote hair growth and health. Additionally, they can show you how to style your hair in a way that minimizes the appearance of thinning edges. Your stylist can also recommend a good quality wig that will give your hair a break from harmful styling and products. Wigs such as The Virgin Hair Fantasy brand allow you to wear a wig effortlessly without glues which is great if this is your first time wearing a wig.

Although there are many causes of thinning edges, the most common cause is lack of moisture. If your edges are dry, it’s important to add moisture back into the equation by using a softening agent like coconut oil or olive oil. You can also try wearing a protective style like braids or a wig to give your edges a break from styling and heat damage. And finally, be sure to consult with a doctor or dermatologist if you suspect that your thinning edges may be due to a medical condition.